Excellent article. Lots of information. Good format. All around a very informative read. The 'net needs more articles like this one!
One suggestion for improvement was the overly narrow focus on the cards direct decendents. For example, when talking about the 4850, the assumption was that only 3850 users would be interested in it. The assumption while talking about 4870, you always refered back to ther 3870. The 260, and then it was the 8800gts. A more wide open approach and not brand specific discussion would have been even cooler. For example, I own a 8800gts 512, and have been considering a 4870. I imagine I can not be the only reader considering the "other" brand. For me it is all about the framerates, I really don't care what brand it is. Only what it costs and what I get for my benjamins.
One suggestion for improvement was the overly narrow focus on the cards direct decendents. For example, when talking about the 4850, the assumption was that only 3850 users would be interested in it. The assumption while talking about 4870, you always refered back to ther 3870. The 260, and then it was the 8800gts. A more wide open approach and not brand specific discussion would have been even cooler. For example, I own a 8800gts 512, and have been considering a 4870. I imagine I can not be the only reader considering the "other" brand. For me it is all about the framerates, I really don't care what brand it is. Only what it costs and what I get for my benjamins.