The Future of Gaming is Android, Says Nvidia

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Ooh, thank you! I'll look at that. Yeah, I was looking at the FF series, but $15 for a game almost two decades old makes me cringe. I'm trying to get CivIII working using DOS box and windows, but that's on a nexus 5. I know that there are ways to get Civ I and II running through a lot of workarounds on older phones, though.
perhaps thats the reason why there is a price premium in Geforce card over the similar performing GPU vs Radeon? That price premium must have gone to funding Tegra/Shield development?
Portable gaming is the future.
I game more on my Android phone than my pc anymore because I can take it with me wherever I am.
My nephews and nieces like their Android tablets more than their Sony PSPs and Nintendo 3Ds's for on the go gaming, and then they wind up playing with those same tablets over their Xbox 360s and PS3s because its what they're used to and they can take them anywhere with them in the house and not have to confine themselves to one room and one tv.
BTW, gotta agree on Bard's Tale, great game on Android, PS1 and pc.
Knights of Pen and Paper is pretty fun too, definitely worth checking out.

No sir. I was being facetious.
Nvidia aren't involved in either of the 2 "big" consoles, and therefore I believe the article should read: "The future of Nvidia's role in gaming is Android".
"it looks like nVidia is the whore that'll say nice things AS LONG as they're getting paid." It's funny because it's true, but at the same time it's also accurate in this instance.

Honestly though I'd say most of the other tech companies bs just as badly or worse than nVidia does to market their products.

Pretty much all the tech companies are guilty of it though Apples is by far the biggest offender people love to purchase lumps of coal from them as long as it's new and trendy.

Android defiantly has a big future ahead for gaming. It's all ready improved a lot in a short time period and will continue to do so. Portable devices aren't going away and will only become more invasive as efficiency and power improve for them.

Also Android is just open enough to really control the mobile form factor market share especially with Google backing it so it's not going any place.
As much as I love NVDIA and Steam I don't see Android ruling much of anything other then the mobile app market right now. The SteamOS or Steam Box seems more or less of a novelty to me. I am never going to give up the sanctity of my desktop anytime soon.
Nvidia dident lose to AMD in the console bidding they said no. both Sony and MS ask'd Nvidia first and they said no.

Yes, when clients come knocking, you say no, everybody knows that. Likely they asked both (and I think there was MS / Sony rep interview saying so), and AMD offered the cheaper overall solution.

Honestly except for Microsoft do you know know ANY company whos bitching just as badly as Nvidia? Examples please.
Back in the day i remember Intel doing such stuff but not as badly on public. Qualcomm was bitching about Mediatek but can you honestly say they were on the same level as Nvidia?
Stupid words from Nvidia..they know that their money maker is came from PC gaming and Microsoft..and now they try to kick'n MS butt with this delusional claim..Pathetic !! 😀
I just hope that Open GL gets more development. Who knows what is going with these corporations. Direct X is just dumped like that. So much effort to no where.
When i tried to explain apps problems earlier on this trade i whose referring more to serious aps like productivity ones, games are not hit by this because they are compiled already & only interface part is (or even & that is switchable) is as a small part Java dependent.
Now by a small hi mobile device that is able to connect to everything try to imagine you're smartphone that is wifi connected to your big TV in a living room sending game output to it meanwhile acting as a controller. On the other hand you can play everywhere. Now graphics on soc are around six years behind top PC gpus (based on 2x performance every two years) & for years behind current consoles. In the best case soc graphics will hit console lv in 3 years (because next generations of gpus are to be produced in next year). So gaming really have future on small soc powered devices!

While you state some things that are true about the current state of Android gaming, are you actually making any comment about the potential of the Android platform for more traditionally story driven genres? Keep in mind a few things. One, traditionally story driven games are not necessarily the most graphically intensive - in fact, many of the ones that are true classics were far from the peak of graphics even upon their release. Two, their control schemes are very simple. These in concert make them candidates to work quite well on machines with limited power and a simple control mechanisms - so, an Android device.

Android gaming is in its infancy. When some dev decides, "hey, let's save a few million in development costs and make our next JRPG for Android instead of PS/XBOX/PC" and actually pushes it, it'll get interest - because half the people who play those games already own Android phones.

Whatever is happening now, the potential is there. Nvidia is seeing it. Whether it gets realized, we'll see, but it is there.

Coincidentally, Invidia means envy, jeaousy over another's success, so there's that...

I'd like to know what happened to all this Tegra 4 gpu processing hype that Nvidia put out before the T4 came out. Screw Android as the future of gaming--Android is a clunky OS as its currently deployed (note: I'm not an apple fanboy, all of my devices are Android). "Mobile" processors might be the future of gaming, but I shudder to think of that being on what we currently use as Android today.
Jen-Hsun Huang says a lot of stuff -- the majority of which you can throw on a dung heap.

The propaganda from nVidia, especially on the SteamBox, is so LOL-ridiculous that Joseph Goebbels is blushing from his grave.

I call BS:

Android is great, but if we are really gonna go that route, a refined Steam OS should be better. or rather, any Linux based lightweight OS optimized for gaming.

that side, half the reason Nvidia even made the shield is to sell that giant pile of Tegra 4 chips that no one is buying. now that the shield isn't selling as hot as they had hoped, they made the Tegra pad to sell the remainder of those chips.

Cut the crap Nvidia, and focus on Tegra 5.
(intentionally broken links)
hxxp: www.maximumpc.c0m/nvidia_calls_pc_far_superior_video_game_consoles_2013

MPC seems to have a slightly different view. My interpretation. PCs are better? So go Android (which isn't PC)?
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