Very nice initiative!
I wonder what their take is on the stroke length on the switches?!
I'm still using Logitech UltraX keyboards both at home and at work due to having a hard time finding a similiar compact, quality feel and short stroke equivalent.
The office keyboard has gotten dimples in the keys out of wear and the one control key has totally collapsed since I tried to remove and clean it.
I got a new SteelSeries Apex M500 home for evaluation (typing on it now), and it's a nice keyboard I guess, but I'm having a hard time getting over the stroke length.
I'm literary stumbling over the keys; 2mm actuation, why?
I can understand gaming if you have your finger set; you could hoover those 2mm, +/- 0,5mm, press/release. But keyboards are not type-writers.
I guess the optimal would be the shortest stroke possible, with a tactile feedback depressing/releasing the key, and the the tactile feedback of finding the keys when repositioning. Unless you think touch-screen typing on your phone is the best thing that ever happened. Yuk!