The Ladies of Computex, Part Deux

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Feb 23, 2009
[citation][nom]rooket[/nom]Don't ever expect booth girls to ever know 1 single thing about the product, they are just a paid prop. I went to a linux convention talked to some, might as well just put a life sized barbie doll on display instead lol.[/citation]
LOL whatever does it for you... You must be a moron to go up to a hot girl and start talking about Linux to her.


Sep 20, 2006
[citation][nom]jrsdav[/nom]This is sad. Way to go technology industry, for keeping gender roles alive.[/citation]

The bottom line is that if women showed up to these shows as guests, there would be hired MALE models in equal proportion. This is nothing more than targeted advertising, the vendors are catering to their audience. Are you seriously suggesting that they are foolish for realizing that men make up a huge portion of the decisionmaking purchasers of these products?


Feb 3, 2009
[citation][nom]meatwad53186[/nom]Well what do you expect? They make a living off of their good looks. I'm sure that there are a good amount of them that actually are tech people that would know about the products, but the majority of them have no idea, nor should they be required to know. Their job entails standing around, looking good, and attracting men. In no way, shape, or form does that mean that they should know about the product that they most likely don't care about, that's what the reps at the booth are for.[/citation]

There are actually women that are just as attractive as booth babes that are geeks, but they generally don't go display themselves to sell product. I have much more admiration for those types of women, not some stuck up display prop with no brains.


Feb 3, 2009
[citation][nom]norbs[/nom]LOL whatever does it for you... You must be a moron to go up to a hot girl and start talking about Linux to her.[/citation]
It was actually an Intel booth. The linux people knew so much at their booths that it would cause the Intel girl's brain to explode if they listened.


Feb 13, 2009
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]ok , first off i'd like to say i love every thing about girls , and these are some cute girls , also I'm by no means a conservative. But being that I'm a student majoring in game art design, I care deeply for the industry which i intend to join one day, given that fact i have to say I find boothe babes, tacky, to say the least. I thought it was great when E3 killed booth babes a few years back , I thought it was terrible when they brought them back reccently. For starters it paints a very bad image for the industry, to have "show girl" style babes posing at what is supposed to be a technology demostration. Gaming and computer harware Are not industries, whose only fans are adolescent boy teens. Hell at my school the head of our Game art design department is a woman. there are countless women in the game design industry, as well as countless gamer girls. I'm sure out ther there are plenty of women that find these booth babes offensive to say the least. to that end i just can't "get into" the hype over boothe babes , they do nothing for the products, pass projecting a negative image of the industry to the rest of the world. Plus they possibly offend some of the industires best and brightest workers... I'd like to hear the author's actual opinion on this subject , since the author is a woman herself , so please respond Jane what was really on your mind as you wrote this article ?[/citation]

don't like it? don't look at it. it's done for the very same reason you put stuff a mouse would want in a mouse trap. that you seem to fail to grasp the concept is troubling since you say you want to be in the tech industry. sexist? sure.. but there's no escaping that if we are to live in a world that lets us be who we've always been. advancement of humanity or whatever you're trying to get at will never be without a portion of good old fashion sexism because someone somewhere will want to see the skin of a beautiful person.. female or male. that being removed from that is somehow superior to our current state of culture is a bit elitist. we're animals just like everything else with a pulse... stop trying to be something you're not or at least don't push your ideals on us and try to stigmatize us for it.


Feb 23, 2009
[citation][nom]rooket[/nom]It was actually an Intel booth. The linux people knew so much at their booths that it would cause the Intel girl's brain to explode if they listened.[/citation]
Not really the point... these girls careers have nothing to do with Intel or AMD or Linux, they could give a shit. They are not there to be wed to you, if you can find a hot girl that knows her stuff and wants to be with you the more power to you. Otherwise enjoy... and don't talk about linux.


Apr 7, 2009
[citation][nom]joebob2000[/nom]The bottom line is that if women showed up to these shows as guests, there would be hired MALE models in equal proportion. This is nothing more than targeted advertising, the vendors are catering to their audience. Are you seriously suggesting that they are foolish for realizing that men make up a huge portion of the decisionmaking purchasers of these products?[/citation]

I'm seriously suggesting that it's sad that people like you, are completely ignorant to what I previously mentioned.



Apr 7, 2009
[citation][nom]Hanin33[/nom]don't like it? don't look at it. it's done for the very same reason you put stuff a mouse would want in a mouse trap. that you seem to fail to grasp the concept is troubling since you say you want to be in the tech industry. sexist? sure.. but there's no escaping that if we are to live in a world that lets us be who we've always been. advancement of humanity or whatever you're trying to get at will never be without a portion of good old fashion sexism because someone somewhere will want to see the skin of a beautiful person.. female or male. that being removed from that is somehow superior to our current state of culture is a bit elitist. we're animals just like everything else with a pulse... stop trying to be something you're not or at least don't push your ideals on us and try to stigmatize us for it.[/citation]

Your argument is as outdated as your ideals. What does being a animal have anything to do with using a obvious disagreeable way to push products? Using the simple fact that we are naturally the same as any other living creature is a poor way to justify how we use our brain. You are completely right with saying they are using a method that is tried and true proven to have results; But why is it that we have to play on ANCIENT fundamental flaws in our perception of differences and then like yourself, condone them?

There is nothing elitist about striving to be better then what you are. Its a business model company's those girls represent are constantly trying to remind themselves. So whats so wrong about humanity trying to strive towards a world where women AND men aren't having their gender differences mistreated?


May 28, 2009
This is horribly sexist...
And I wouldn't mind interfacing the lot of them. Should China ever invade, I'd also be happy to provide, er, refuge.


Aug 4, 2008
the status of women in our society is pretty evident from these pics....that is the only way we have come to see them...half naked bodies standing in front of others as a sex object to be drooled upon and fantasied although having no relation to the context (tech here) ...what are they, a fancy wrapper on top of a present?.....I feel ashamed
[citation][nom]Grims[/nom]Jane got all the hot ones.[/citation]

Read the tittle man: The Ladies of Computex, Part Deux

Very cute girls and more better is the girl + technology combination. The only bad thing is that the girls doesn't have the "Reset CMOS" button :lol:


Aug 18, 2009
[citation][nom]rooket[/nom]It was actually an Intel booth. The linux people knew so much at their booths that it would cause the Intel girl's brain to explode if they listened.[/citation]

you must be pretty lonely.
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