Tradesman1 :
alidan :
i just want to say this, i don't believe there will be much need for most people to have more than 8gb of ram unless programs get some serious bloat going on. even in games, there is little reason to have more than 4gb dedicated to the game if its handled correctly even if you use all 4k textures (which also don't need to exist because how often will a single texture have all 4k of its texture on scree to the point you would see the pixelation)
the bloat could be serious though... i personally use my computer with 8gb of ram as though it had 32gb, so in my case i could easily use more, but i'm not most people, i essentially live on the compute and internet.
its true that a long time ago if someone said 2gb or 4gb was enough and you wouldn't need more, they weren't forward thinking, but now... unless some serious bloat happens i can't see the average person needing more than 16gb ever... also, please note that i make a distinction between need and could use. i personally need 24gb (stuck on 8gb because ddr2 as 4gb sticks would cost more than a new computer and 16gb because windows 7 limit) and could easily use 64gb.
the bloat could be serious though... i personally use my computer with 8gb of ram as though it had 32gb, so in my case i could easily use more, but i'm not most people, i essentially live on the compute and internet.
its true that a long time ago if someone said 2gb or 4gb was enough and you wouldn't need more, they weren't forward thinking, but now... unless some serious bloat happens i can't see the average person needing more than 16gb ever... also, please note that i make a distinction between need and could use. i personally need 24gb (stuck on 8gb because ddr2 as 4gb sticks would cost more than a new computer and 16gb because windows 7 limit) and could easily use 64gb.
"can't see the average person needing more than 16gb ever." , saw very similar quotes from many about 5-6 years ago but they were saying 4GB, people just continue to use systems more and more and software (and games) are using DRAM more and more.
back when people said 4gb would be the most people would need, windows could boot up with less than 500mb ram use.
fire fox had (maybe still has, i dont use it much anymore) one thread for the entire browser and handles ram fairly well, apposed to chrome where new tabs each have their own instance, the bloat is there, but i cant see programs doing worse than this without serious bloat.
right now, outside of photoshop or vegas, the most ram intensive thing i use (gaming aside) is mpc-hc, and mpc-hc 64, 64bit does not have extra filters on it like the 32 bit version does, and eats 500mb, where as the 32bit comes close to 1gb with 1080p content. even if you scale that linearly to 4k that's just 4gb
now chrome, my computer doesnt like more than 149 processes running and if i have 150+ its risking a hard crash. for me i can get processes on a clean boot down to about 80, so worst case scenario (right now an hour long 1080p youtube is 270mb) if you just stacked 69 1080p videos on top of each other, that comes to just under 19gb, this would be the most practical to normal people but unrealistic.
gameing, i fear is going to bloat for bloat sake at some point instead of optimizing how craps handled, case in point, look at skyrim hd textures apposed to well made fan retextures using the non hd limitations.
i just cant imagine what, at least for a normal person would eat more than 16gb of ram without serious bloat or stupidity.