The mysterious case of disappearing files.


Nov 23, 2012
Right. This is odd.

A friend just contacted me for help regarding a problem with their computer. They were downloading something from the steam workshop and left their computer for around 15 minutes. When they returned, it looks like quite a few files/programs were seemingly removed. The desktop background had returned to the default black colour, all the icons had been wiped except from the recycling bin and seemingly, at random locations, several files were missing.

Any ideas? Its like nothing i've ever encountered. I've told them to shut down the pc immediately.
This sounds like malware, don't you think? I've been running Windows 10 since 10/1/2014 and haven't seen anything like this happen. In fact I just upgraded 24 desktops to Windows 10 Pro this week, and they're all running fine.
I will say that this is just one of many, many reasons I make regular full system backups to an external hard drive. It's saved me from a lot of grief on numerous occasions since I started the practice in 1989.

Good luck.

According to a comment on the steam workshop mod, someone else's files were wiped. The mystery deepens.