kallek29 :
I would like to know more about the claim that " Windows 8 can gobble as much as 25% of your graphics memory". I can't find it mentioned later in the article except for where it says that Windows 8 takes around 300 MB of VRAM on page 5. I have 640 MB VRAM and just recently installed Windows 8. Does that mean that Windows 8 takes half of the VRAM on my card?
DWM uses
90MB of VRAM @ 1280x800 and
~120MB @ 1920x1080 in
Windows 8.1. I have not tested 2160p myself, so I cannot confirm the tester's numbers.
kallek29 :
I thought that the VRAM was freed up when starting a game. What happens if you have a card with only 320 mb memory?
What happens in a full-screen exclusive mode is that DWM is disabled (eg. does not consume CPU nor GPU cycles) but keeps the allocated memory. You are fine with any VRAM (Windows runs "fine" even on 128 MB GPUs)...
DWM in W8 is
much faster than in W7 - especially for DirectX based apps (WPF, Modern UI, ...). Also, it is the
Windows Display Driver Model that controls memory allocation for DWM and it has a very important capability that's called
Memory Virtualization - so what happens when you run out of VRAM is the system uses RAM, which is much slower than VRAM in most cases and when even the RAM is full, your disk drive is used for data storage, which is extremely slow compared to VRAM and RAM.
Also, when you play a game and start running out of VRAM, the memory allocated by DWM and applications are
paged out to secondary memory (RAM or disk) => there is minimal slow down concerning games.
FYI: many current applications use media acceleration - like Internet Explorer that can eat up over 100MB of VRAM or most video players... So if you want to keep your VRAM clean, close them when gaming.