Oh but it is, they shifted all the names upwards and hoped no one would notice.... unless they released a 4050 and 4030 I am unaware of?
OK but now take everything together, to stick with consoles and say you stick to one family you have to have one of each: PSX, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PS5.... or do you re-buy all your games with each generation in order to keep playing them?
Compare that to upgrading one PC.
The controls thing is simply because these are terrible ports of console games.... the same would be true for PC games ported to console. I agree that sometimes a controller is superior which is why I have one.... but if I had to choose between only one or the other I could never pick a controller.
Ah yes, that old name shift argument... I really am tired of it. And to answer your question if they released a 4050, yes, they indeed did, although it's "only" a mobile GPU. It's about 15% slower than the 4060 mobile, which is in turn about 8% slower than the desktop counterpart, meaning that if there were a desktop 4050, it would likely look very similar. So if the existence of a 4050 is your argument against a name shift, there you go. And even if it wasn't, the raw performance of, say, the 4070 still wouldn't warrant it being named a 4060, end of discussion. It's such a dumb argument, I swear... put forth by one idiot, then regurgitated ad nauseam by everyone else.
And you don't have to tell me why PC is better, I'm a PC player precisely because I like having everything in one place. The fact that many PC ports are bad also doesn't change that they are still better to play on controller. Yes, they need to put more effort into them, nobody questions that. Doesn't change how it is, though. That's the only real downside. And I still own consoles regardless of my PC preference. Why, outside of space restrictions, it's such an issue for you to keep older consoles I don't get, though. Besides, you can sell off some of the older ones anyways, for example, the PS4 since the PS5 can play PS4 games perfectly fine. As can at least some PS3 models, though it's scummy not all were. With an Xbox game pass, you can also play most games released for PC... and if GPUs are really that expensive in your country due to taxes and what not, then sorry, but complaining lead nowhere. Getting a new console will be cheaper no matter what. My laptop 4060 is twice as fast as your 1060, and faster/same performance as a 1080 Ti. And by now, said 4060 is old tech itself considering that the 5000 series is out now. Comparing these old cards to the new ones and wanting everything to just work with them infinitely is like comparing a modern gun to a long bow, and claiming that you should be able to bring a longbow to a modern war and still be able to be effective.
At some point, you either have to go with the times or drop out altogether. Again, that price increase is, for the most part, your country's taxes/fines/whatever, not a real increase, from what it sounds like. What do you expect, that those companies sell their stuff to you for a charity price? Did you consider older cards like a 3060 or 6600XT, for example? Used cards? Anything?