The problem with Sandy Bridge


Aug 17, 2010

A few months ago,I was planning to build a sandy bridge rig and keeping track of the prices,when all of the 1155 socket products (motherboards and CPUs)suddenly vanished from my local vendor.I did a little research and found out that Intel had found a flaw in chipsets,and stopped the shipments.

Now,the products are back.I'm assuming Intel has revised the products and continued their shipment.My question is,how can I understand I'm buying a revised product? I'm guessing the revised versions have new names,but I can't really remember the exact names from back than to compare and also not sure if that's the case.

I'd be glad if someone could enlighten me.

Thanks =)
I see,but how do I understand this? Or what does B3 stepping indicate?

The thing is,I doubt that the local vendor shipped all those 1155 products back.They probably simply took them off the shelves and there's a high possibility that since Intel only revised the products and not created whole new series,they'll put the faulty ones back to the shelves from the stock room they were waiting in.

So,I'm asking if there is a way to seperate a new P8P67 from an old P8P67?

EDIT: Ah,I figured it out.There's a (B3) suffix to the names -at my vendors website at least-
Thanks for helping!