The religious left?

Jesus also hung out with the poor and hookers. When was the last time you took a hooker home (For a warm meal of course)?

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24

1. They were extremely self-sufficient to the point of denying God's involvement in everyday life.

2. They denied any resurrection of the dead (Matthew 22:23; Mark 12:18-27; Acts 23:8).

3. They denied any afterlife, holding that the soul perished at death, and therefore denying any penalty or reward after the earthly life.

4. They denied the existence of a spiritual world, i.e., angels and demons (Acts 23:8).

The Sadducees ceased to exist in A.D. 70. Since this party existed because of their political and priestly ties, when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70, the Sadducees were also destroyed.

Read more:
If anything, it shows man hasnt evolved in his ways, desires, needs etc

It also shows, if you believe in nothing, thats what you have in the end
Not every word, since the warnings of adding to it are in it.
One thing yes, which ties the rest in.

It does contain that which the sciences also have to have faith in, the beginning

Also, Im amazed many of our top scientists get excited about that which the Bible has said from the beginning, we are made from the dust of the ground?
Mark 10:21-22 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24

And might I add the passage you use blatantly supports slavery..... Go Christianity...
The slaves were not slaves, when someone worked for someone else, they were considered a slave.
Also, notice, and in context, the Master owned the money, He owned it all, they did His will and were rewarded, and those who did better were rewarded moreso.
I wonder where you get these ideas, as they didnt exist in my day, only since distortions took effect.
Which somehow, dont apply to the Koran
Wow, what is the point of posting something to the extent of "out of context, people like you always do this". What does this add to the discussion? Absolutely nothing.

It doesn't matter if the lesson is something profound or honest. The story nevertheless includes the concept of slavery being acceptable. Even if the definition of slavery was different back then the absolute core remains the same. You belong to someone else.

Doesn't apply to the we didn't challenge everything enin said with the same logical processes we bring to you. Post some koran scriptures and you will see the same result.
johnson, either get with it, or get with it man.
So, you talk about things that arent current?
This is how you explain things today?
If slavery was around then, do you just ignore it?
Like Benghazi?

To use whats being said only gives credit to its authenticity, as people had several forms of slavery back then.
My guess is, whoever it was was trusted, and rewarded quite well.

Now, that of course eliminates the foolishness of your first comment, and further shows your ignorance , or lack of understanding about our history.
You know what they say about ignoring history?
Under communism, there are no such rewards.
Back in those ttimes there was slavery, and it could be abyones relatives who owned them, including yours or mine.

If you really wanted to dismiss the possibility that todays peoples are seen as no different from those of yesterday, then do add to the conversation, dont distort, play the fool or whatever your intentions are.
If you cant grasp history, youre doomed to...
you get the idea.
The thing is, they are anti Semitic as well.
Must hate the Jews?
This is how life was lived then.

Point is, there are people today, who are in with others, forming a political belief, where religion is merely tolerated by the same side.
This is the left, as there are any number of believers of many beliefs on the left.
On one side, you have those who believe fervently when we die, there is nothing, things like the ten commandments are good to live by, but arent sacrosanct .
On the other, you have those who believe in the ten commandments, believe them to be sacrosanct, but place politics equal to their beliefs, which change with the times, such as gay marriage being too political to not embrace, or illegal aliens, changing the very wording, yet the same meaning.
Caring and using their feelings to equate their laws.

Take away government, and those who dont believe end up with nothing, this is simply history.
It shows those who believe in government have nothing but government, and when its gone, so too are the followers.
Yet, religions survive, and they survived one bad government after another, just some food for thought.
Slavery is bad.... ok I think we can agree with that. The bible is very explicit in supporting slavery, not necessarily this passage.

They asked who could question the Word of God when it said, "slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling" (Ephesians 6:5), or "tell slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect" (Titus 2:9).

Im surprised no one hit on the whole Jesus being a commie thing. Have you guys ever read the sh*t he says? Its literally a socialist communist manifesto. Thats why I posted those two verses about the poor... The whole parable of talents is about having faith in the big G, not about making money.

Im an atheist and I take objection with the fact you think my beliefs are dependent on the government. Would you liek to know something about my beliefs JDJ I would be more than happy to answer some for you since I believe you dont know anything about lack of theism.

Jesus as a liberal hippy communist:

He encouraged people to give everything they could, and promised that god would support everyone in need. Just like socialism.

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

"woe unto ye who are rich"

"Give us this day our daily bread" -- what a sense of entitlement to demand handouts!!!

Jesus said nothing about or against homosexuality.

JC certainly wasnt a capitalist.
The quote I gave you was from Jesus.
And again, if youre addressing people of a given era, do you speak about nudity and Greece?
This is simple context, absolute, needed.
Lets say youre a doubter, we can agree here right?
Lets say Someone, part of God, comes here and starts talking about societies we havnt even dreamed of yet, which you point out as being communistic, instead of finding the true value of His words, which leaves the values of the world far behind:
Wherefore, seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness . . .

And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both ariches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.

aSeek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; for behold, you cannot carry them with you.

Seek not for briches but for cwisdom, and behold, the dmysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made erich. Behold, he that hath feternal life is rich.

So, in context, the ideal is to seek God and heaven, not things of the world, and confuse them with communism, as this has been told long before communism existed, and is used today by some who arent up on the truth.

So, slavery existed back then, and since he was addressing the rich, or those who had slaves, since the poor couldnt afford them, being non political, he laid down how to treat slaves.
Remember He also said, yield unto Caesar that which is Caesars, yes, very non political indeed, and may be why some cant see Him and His word for what it is
No, societies change, even my apparent failure to show you just in my lifetime.
Mans hearts, desires are the same, and people tend to gather of same ilk.

So, now that you might be able to actually ask a real question, save it
It wouldnt/shouldnt be for me anyways
OMG, thanx for recognizing the right things, and not going to lengths to ascribe bad ones.
This just fits within todays hippies, tear down the man, then defend him when he is a hippy heheh
Why is it that women have rights under Christian nations, and not with Islam?
And why is this OK with the left?
Because they want to tear things down that arent of their beliefs, yet say just look at them, what they did.
And if called out, its more of the same, nothing to see here move along, as like what we see about Benghazi, confirming my beliefs about the left and the president, their shared politics, and the ties I make in this thread.
Why do gays get to marry here and yet supposedly Christians hate them, simply because it says its a sin in the Bible?
Thats between God and them, as all sin is, and it hasnt harmed anyone, so wheres the law broken here, a Christian nation?
Yet the left wants to tear down Christians, again, aligning themselves with my belief of what the left enjoys and wants, yet they ignore, and wont even call terrorism terrorism, again, to tear down a Christians talking points, so they change the wording, because its inconvenient now that their man is in office, all the while ignoring some parts, many parts of the world where being gay is a death sentence and where most of the terrorism comes from to begin with.
Im usually reserved towards those on the left, as many a time Ive been enlightened by them, but since attacking at will, using large groups to describe past histories, as if it only applied to them, or current times, where lies are told about large groups of people just seeking truth, and trying to live their lives as theyre supposed to, according to their beliefs.
But since this cant be no more put on one Christain, good or bad, nor can it be put on one lib/leftist, that is until the libs change the rules.

The bitterness I see others have seen in various places of the world, towards America.How much more bitter would you be in those other places, where any thoughts we all have shared here would be forbidden.
If we are to grow and learn, we can do so from looking at our past, but as demonstrated here, if the attacks come so broad and sweeping, with no regards to the truth nor understanding of one another, then those who hate can only hate, and when hate no longer has form, they have nothing
WBC are Baptist Christians.... And use the bible as justification for saying crazy sh*t.

Also Islam is just as wacky as Christianity, Ive never defended Islam because those crazy bastards have justified killing written into their holy book. Dont even get me started on the Jews..... Their orthodoxy is equally as crazy as even the most hardline Islamist.

I agree with you that religion is what you make of it whether your a Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist whatever. But to say that there is one religion that has the right idea or is more or less right than any other is wrong. Or that your holy book is right and the others are wrong, I hate to break it you but its all made up and changed dramatically over the last 3 thousand years, as you pointed out with the Jupiter temple and solar worship.

I mean pope Zinger was the head of the child abuse arm of the Church before being popified, he defended more child abusers than NAMBLA. Did you know you basically go to a nice resort to live out the rest of your life with other pedophiles living off the money of Christians? Now since he decides to stay in the vatican he is completely immune from prosecution.

I agree there is net good in the world, but I cant attribute it to a single religion. Atheists are just as good as their theistic counterparts.

Jesus was totally a communist though, how can you say that those quotes about the poor were anything less than condemnation of wealth?

Could you forsee 200 years into the future when Muslims joke around about how violent and bloody the were?
Why is it that women have rights under Christian nations, and not with Islam?
And why is this OK with the left?

WTF? Why make that jab? Who on the left is OK with women not having rights?

Your entire post is just picking on the left/libs why?

Why do gays get to marry here and yet supposedly Christians hate them, simply because it says its a sin in the Bible?
Thats between God and them, as all sin is, and it hasnt harmed anyone, so wheres the law broken here, a Christian nation?
Yet the left wants to tear down Christians, again, aligning

Sodomy is still illegal in some places in the US. And how hard did the religious right fight to keep gay people from getting married?

Your post is hard to read and doesnt make a whole lot of sense.
You attacked a good portion of the planet, and I explained at the end I wouldnt be doing this, but you changed the rules, again, this is about how men are, with and without their politic, with and without their beliefs.

Those quotes would be today easily understood IF:
Those were wall street bankers with their money He was talking to, which is primarily who he was talking to.
The Pharisees and the Sadducees were akin to people today, and reminds me of how the left does their politic.

Weve all been hearing how the right are concerning the Bible thumpers etc, time and time and time again, whether here, the media, or our politicians themselves, theyll go back home to their guns and Bibles etc.

Why so touchy?
You have not once defended or better explained the left to me, or whether Im way off, and why, or close but not quite there, again, and why.
Its easy to throw stones, and the question here is, before you assume more, like your blanket coverage earlier, ask or tell me different.

Again, man hasnt changed, not one bit, some men all fall into certain perceptions that lead the in an informal grouping of both politic and belief, and this reminded me of the left of today.
Now, where am I wrong here?
Why so touchy?
You have not once defended or better explained the left to me, or whether Im way off, and why, or close but not quite there, again, and why.

I dont speak for the left or any political group. Thats your problem. Im just your friendly neighborhood atheist. You are way off because you group a whole lot of people together (Rather arbitrarily). How would you like it if I posted sh*t about those nice christians that killed abortion docs and burned down buildings? Or grouped the WBC in with you.

I literally dont know how else to respond besides saying Im not "The Left". I also think youre wrong in a lot of your analysis of "The Left" and "Libs".
No, Jesus was a cool idea (I doubt whether he really existed).

Its a lot like Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers passed on morality without ever bringing God into the picture, even though he was an ordained minister. JC has good teachings for sure, but its not the path to morality and not the only way to live your life.

Jesus was a net benefit to society. The bad part is when you get guys who proclaim to have inside knowledge or quote scripture for their own goals.

So, the idea of religion done right is good, but you dont really believe it exists, similar to a Sadducee
In many ways you are speaking for the left, please continue.
Of like minded people, liberal in action/thought and politic, those who loosely hang onto a belief structure impacts you how?