The religious left?

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Voters by religion are run right down the middle (Almost), a few points to the republicans. Im not incredibly happy with the source and would be curious to see more.

The problem we have here, I think, is you assume most democrats (Leftists, Libs) are atheist or of some other non-christian religion, its not statistically true. The republican party doesnt have every single religious person in their rolls, and the democrats dont have every single atheist in theirs.

Just google atheist republican and you will find many groups that are conservative and recognize no higher authority. So again I do not speak for any party, and no party is made up completely of one or the other. Political affiliation has little bearing on religious affiliation.

Even though the argument could be made that JC would support universal health care.... :)

Also fun fact Jesus's real name is Yeshua, or Josh for short. There is proabably some really confused Jesus in the afterlife wondering why everyone wants him to make their football teams win.
You missed my point.
Im not guessing how many, but those dems within your party, how do they effect you, whats the attitude towards them?
Also, the Pharisees had great numbers following them, so again, a likeness.

Historical writings greatly lean to the fact the a Jesus did exist - they also found a box or something in area a few years ago. Outside of religioin, I don't doubt that he existed. Heck, just as Homer told tales of places we never thought existed.. in 700BC!

I don't see anything wrong with living the life as stated in the Bible, or as I personally think is a book on proper government and dealing with society issues. In a time when people had nothing to go on, what else could propose some kind of control over a person? Religion. Sure, it could all be a hoax to get people under control. Overall, it has been a positive impact around the world, moreso than negative.
I don't beleive people should throw religion in people's faces, nor do I like when people wholly fall back on religion as the only answer when something comes up. Just as I don't like the LGBT community throwing their sexuality in my face. Nor when an Atheist has to go about telling everyone they don't believe in God. Don't care any way someone puts in. In the end, hopefully we all stand on the same universal principles.
Better to the point.
In the republican party, there are many firm believers, and in context here, believe strongly in Gods word, be they Hindu, Muslim, Christian or whatever.
Heres the point, I know if a gay republican wants his voice heard, it isnt done just in toleration, at least by responsible conservatives, the real grown up kind.
Its done thru mutual idea sharing.
Its the same with what traditionally isnt republican, blacks, minorities etc.
Color and sex doesnt define a person, nor should it ever.

Lets say, if I were to bash a minority for some foolish reason, they wouldnt, nor should they find that acceptable.
What youre saying about religion, taken from a mature standpoint is well taken, and understood, but some are offeded, and the import of those on the left must be more like Pharisees, as politics rates even with their beliefs, as some bash religion constantly from the left.
Am I right?
Jesus existed, too much proof without the need of faith.
I suppose some are in a quandary about this, as they would almost wish He hadnt, to prove to themselves just how strong their faith is.
^ This is called reality, mature reality.
If I were Muslim, I then would have to say something, and often mind you, of the atrcities radical Muslims have done, are doing and plan to do.

The only recent Godless government was the USSR, as it came up quickly, had the communist ideal, and unlike what some think, Jesus wasnt Communist, and the worship had to be stopped or closely monitored, meanwhile, unfortunately, we all know about Chechnya
Oh, that and the USSR doesnt exist anymore either
Jesus might not be defacto communist, but he certainly wasnt a capitalist maybe socialist would be a more fitting term? I propose the problem of evil to you guys:

If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect.

If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.

If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists.

If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil.

Evil exists.

If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn't have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn't know when evil exists, or doesn't have the desire to eliminate all evil.

Therefore, God doesn't exist.

God did eliminate evil from Heaven when he cast Satan to Hell, according to the Bible. Heaven has no evil; Book of Job explains life, God, evil, etc.
Christianity/God/Man 101
Story goes like this.
God is just, not sorta, but perfectly so.
God gave us free will.
We sin, we sinned, and we continue to sin.
No sin, or darkness can exist in God.
We are Gods children, the crown of His achievement.
He loves us, wants us back.
A payment, or scarifice must be made to make amends/cleanse us of our sins/s.
If God did it, we wouldnt be worthy, we would be suspect, God would be suspect and it would be Gods will to come to him, and not our own.

I can quote throughout all this from scripture, just economizing here.

OK, so, if we/man has a test, and someone does it for us, we really have done nothing.
Why do I say we are the crowning achievement in Gods creation?
We just arent simple forms, a description, as we can change, make decisions, fail one day, rise another.
Thats why we are placed above the angels, for this very reason.

Now, since sacrifice, or, the payment of sin is death, since its unGodly, and really cant exist in the end, the new testament shows how Christ payed for that sin, as He covered our sin thru His death on the cross.

So, sin isnt defined as only someone sinning against themselves, or only against God, but people sin against others as well.
Socialistically, you could say, God of course doesnt want us to sin against others, and would have you treat others as you would have yourself treated. I agree wholeheartedly here.
God also didnt make us all the same, nor limit our free will, so again, we are all different, and each according to his ways, so too will a man profit from those ways, good bad or failure etc.
So no, God isnt a socialist or communist in those terms, as they are separate, not of the soul, but of the world.

What God gives us in promise, a life with Him, and all the riches of His kingdom, and everlasting life , anything of this earth cant compare, since He made the universe, He made time, and He says this isnt all that compared to what you can gain.
Now Muslims know this part too well, and some have figured its OK to blow up innocents since theyre going on to God.
But, since Gods grace exists, should we go on sinning so that grace may abound?

So, when people say to me God cant exist bexause evil exists, God created this existence, He doesnt live here, we do, and what we do with it, evil or for the better, is completely up to us.

Well... i know we are a small country, but... we do have a government!

So much things to say on the subject. Too bad i didnt' read it earlier.

"Evil" is a fabrication of the human mind just like religion. We use to to quantify and categorize that which we cannot understand or find disturbing.

Also, Einstein said he didn't believe in the kind of god that intervened in the daily lives of humans, he said he could believe in one that operated as the forces of the universe. (Logical forces)

The hand of God. Things we are unable to change or have control over.
If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn't have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn't know when evil exists, or doesn't have the desire to eliminate all evil.

Why exactly does God let evil exist? Why are there starving people in the world? What do really really bad tings happen to completely innocent people?

Couldnt you though?

Dont we generally accept that the G is made of love and he has always existed. Was God not good before there was evil?

If he is all powerful why not get rid of evil? If he doesnt have the ability to then he isnt God.

Simple answer is, now is the time to belief He can, and doesnt for the reasons I posted, or find out later, where theres more written about that as well.
I choose the former, dont even want to see the latter.
Saying this, it doesnt mean I wont, only thru faith do I believe, and am not worthy in and of myself
Good one. he is a right winger probably who cares nothing about the less unfortunate than him.


So hows all the socialism going for you?

I am kinda curious... France looks like it has two major religious parties catholic and muslim. But surprisingly your atheist pop isnt very high....
You know, mingo, i'm leftist.
But being leftist as i am is like being communist from an american point of view.

I can't trust any study about different religious population.
I guess in Guyana, Reunion and Martinique, there must be a greater proportion of Catholics.
But in mainland France, the Catholic population tends to decrease since 1905 in favor of agnosticism, atheism or Islam.
Although for Islam, I stay reserved. The fact is that during the separation of church and state in 1905, Algeria was a French territory and indeed, the Muslim population was much higher than today.
Today, if one believes the numbers of the various studies, the proportion of Muslims would be about 6% (against 65% of Catholics and 25% no religion).

In my opinion: no need to read a book to know how to live my life.
I'm smart enough (because it doesn't require that much intelligence) to know what is good and what is bad, and for that: i deserve more heaven than those who pretend to claim in the name of Jesus.
I can even go further, but I do not want to bring the wrath of believers.
But those who argue for the existence of God by citing passages from the Bible are just hilarious.
I hope they eat fish every Friday if they don't want to burn in hell. (From my side, on Friday, i eat nougat.)

The other thing that made ​​me smile after reading This topic is the actions of the Catholics.
Yes, they do things right once in a while.
But this is not the prerogative of Catholics. There are many non-governmental organizations that do more, and without distributing the New Testament.
But when I see crazy men as William Donohue, or all those pedophile priests, I say I'm glad to never have been an altar boy (tout comme mon cul).

Simple, its a creation of man. Just like religion and God, fate, philosophy, democracy, the list goes on.

"We see and hear about so many horrible atrocities and crimes, yet are constantly presented with contexts and backgrounds and ways of understanding how they could happen. For many people, especially people of evangelical Christian bent, to label something or somebody evil has a refreshing clarity to it,”

Like I said, we arent simple machines with instead of frequencies and piston size etc, we simply have chemicals, we are more than that.
Someone who would kill anyone different than them is evil.
The list of names goes on and on, and some would want to determine them as being this or that, which to them is fine, and they get justification and satisfaction for blaming an evil man because of his beliefs are the same people that simply wont let you do so when an evil man is one of them, as this isnt what theyre about.
A simple foolish account, and a waste of time.

Its to the point where the foolishness has won the day, and if I mention the H name, others would say he was Christain, and is the best example of evil known today/currently, but those fools would say, you cant mention such a name, even to define evil.

Like I said, a mature POV is needed, and if you want to go home and cry, or be offended, you cant handle the truth.

@ gropouce, theres hope for you yet 😉
You will be handled to each according to his ways.

I prefer the free will thing over chemical control and bred in mind thought, which is simply why we dont do the same thing over and over all the time, and learn and grow, which cant quite be explained thru chemicals, tho I too sit back, and love to watch them try to explain such things, and again, stand in amazement that they are so consumed and elated about the fact we come from dust.