The religious left?

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Did you post this as a joke John?

I think the democrat part got lost in the translation. :lol:

Funny how Jesus was the first word of response.

In most cases when people try to discredit the Word of God, proclaimed Christians are to blame, because just because someone believes in God and the Lord Jesus Christ does not mean they're sin free, and when non believers see Christians sin, it justifies every reason they have not to believe.

I don't think the relation from your link is a democratic party comparative as much as the direct comparative to the religious Christian tagged churches, the same dissent of the church hierarchy still exists today within the church, that's why there are so many different churches dragging the Bible along for their own convenience.

Picking out what they want to base their church beliefs on, that they feel they can live with, creating their own internal church rules, and discarding the rest of the Bible.

Some of the atheists, and agnostics in this thread have the greatest chance of finding who Jesus really is, because it will happen when least expected, the most missed piece of the puzzle is not discrediting the history of the Bible which to some seem like fairy tales.

It is what Jesus left behind, which is truly how anyone will find the truth in Jesus Christ, and that is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is very important, it is through the Holy Spirit that Christ resides in Christians, it was the Holy Spirits responsibility to handle the transition of Jesus, the Holy Spirit stood in the gap between God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son.

God the Father has no place with sin, and sin does not come into Gods presence, Jesus can go into sins presence but could not return to Gods presence until the sin was removed from Him, and that responsibility fell to the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was crucified and died on the cross, and all the sins of man were placed upon Him, once mans sin was placed upon Jesus God blackened the sky as He could not look on His precious Son because of the sin He bore.

Jesus knew this time was going to be horrible for Him, and asked in the Garden of Gethsemane if the cup could be passed from Him, "but never the less, not My will but Thy will be done!", but even Jesus did not realize what it would be like when God turned His back on Jesus because of the sin that was placed upon Him!

"My God!, My God! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?!"

"Into Thy Hands, I Commit My Spirit!"

"It is finished!"

Jesus died on the cross and went to hell, now here's the Holy Spirits part, through the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was Baptized in the Lake of Fire, that sin could not cling to Jesus, because Jesus was without sin, that sin was shed off of Him into the Lake of Fire.

Then the Holy Spirit merged Jesus spirit back with his physical body, and healed the body of all the wounds, Jesus still bore the scars but the wounds were healed, and resurrected Jesus to a physical state of life rolled the stone away from the tomb and Jesus was free to walk the earth once more.

That same Holy Spirit was given to those that believe on Jesus, that's why true Christians Know!

Thank You John for this opportunity to share what I believe! :)

So, you see no correlation with todays atheists and yesterdays sadducees?
God has a good code to live by, but we die when when die?

You dont see how so called believers can align themselves with self described Godless, as they illiminate God given rights, and elevate so called government given rights?

My point wasnt to lift God in nthis way Ry, it was to show exactly how relevant the bible is today as well as yesterday, as people make claims of evolved society needing change from our government to catch up with "modern" man, where we can throw away said God given rights.
And the very fact, bar none, mans heart hasnt changed one iota.

The certainty we come from the dust of the earth, as we all knew, and why some atheists think this is a greatest of great discoveries.
It wasnt to proselytize, it was to bring fact, something an atheist is sure not to ignore, since according to them, they have no need of faith.
I know this.
And the matter of slaves mentioned earlier tried my patience as to whats important as well, but I held firm.

I also mentioned certain Muslims who claim the here after, and its greatness, and also claim taking innocents to their deaths isnt a sin.
It wouldnt matter if I didnt believe, nor would I understand, and which I also believe some have a hard time defining terrorism today, since they lack certain things.
It is pretty silly to say dust and stuff. Now if the big G had said you were made of increasingly heavy elements made from the supernovae of stars then he would have had my attention.

Protip: Women were not created from the rib of man.
Sez the guy that expounds about matter into the nuclear.
Describing a tip while also saying technology is whats important, yet having no true fact to back up the tip, yet tech allows for this....
I guess you have to have faith it didnt happen, as facts show
You will return to our star once it gets to the end of its life cycle and expands and goes supernova. Then the carbon and all the other elements that were part of your body when you were alive will be scattered across the universe, possibly creating another solar system. To clarify, you will not be able to experience this as your consciousness will have long been extinguished.

Grandiose I think not. In fact, its pretty simplistic, especially when you consider the idea of Heaven.
Also dont forget according to Enin the Koran (Q'uran?) explicitly told how a fetus develops in the womb...

So saying that your holy book has any kind of inside scientific knowledge is a bit of a jump to conclusions isn't it?
Then tell Tyson as much.

Chromosomes can be manipulated.
Cloning happens.

And its the faithful who limit themselves?

Again, you use your desire for tech against yourself by limiting yourself, why saying Gods in the way of a believer?
The world is a small place, and Ry is right, its nothing, as is the entire universe, yet this somehow limits believers?

I showed how the likeness back then is again the likeness of today.
If it werent a holy book, would it then make no difference still?
Mans heart hasnt changed.
We are what we became, sinners all
And yes, choosing not to use the word sin is disingenuous as its meaning is clear, but the attempts tp avoid words are obvious by those who dont "believe"
It adds nothing to use a different word, nor does it change the original words meaning.
Since we havnt changed as to what we are, whos fooling who here?
Not sure how you come to that.
Slavery was common place, and sometimes preferred to starving to death.
You ignore many things as well, If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

I could refute each one, and as these are in general as in proverbs, and not needing context, where most of the bashing comes from, it may help.
We dont destroy another country when at war, not completely, but we are finding it hard to fight an enemy that has no particular country.
Our president up until the recent outcry against such things, sent drones in to kill them, collateral damage and all, and our greatest fear is doing so against Americans.
Thats context, and if it doesnt matter, who then is being the beast?
Specifically, it has nothing to do with religion, religion is your talking point. I am keeping in context of the progression made through our posts regarding the inherent spiritual nature of Man and to deny your argument that Man creates everything and that Science can explain everything.

Stating that Philosophy and Science are bound by logic is just stating the obvious. Any reasoned thought requires logic to determine the correct from the in-correct. But what's really funny about stating logic applies to both Philosophy and Science is the fact that Logic (the study of the methods and principles used in distinguishing correct from incorrect reasoning) is a subset discipline of Philosophy. Do you know why Logic is a subset discipline of Philosophy instead of Science? It is because logic requires the student to think beyond their own perception and what can be proven and think in the abstract and make supposition, i.e.; have faith. So, as far as my argument is concerned, it only confirms what I previously stated, "that there is an immutable relationship between Science and Philosophy and philosophical discussion heavily influences scientific theory." This relationship between Science and Philosophy is why Science requires some level of faith.

I found it interesting that you chose not comment on the statement, "that science is unable to answer questions regarding value, morality, and the metaphysical." most likely because it is undeniable and it would cause you to admit that there are things that science can not explain.

I do not need to provide a reason why natural and divine law are combined. The writings of Augustine of Hippo, Sir John Fortescue, and Sir Edward Coke clearly explain why natural and divine are used interchangeably. Also, in this context, the word "divine'" does not automatically mean religion. When "divine" is used as a noun, as it is being used in this context, it refers to the spiritual nature of Man or the universal qualities of Man. Therefore, natural and divine law are interchangeable in that the order of the universe existed before Man, and that order was given to Man at the beginning of Man's existence. What really gets me is that you continue to contradict thousands of years of philosophical thought and dispute the greatest thinkers if humankind under the guise that science can explain everything when it is a fact that science can not.

To introduce the idea of genetics determining behavior might as well just open the can of worms that is "Nature vs Nurture". The fact is all genetics can do is determine a pre-disposition towards a behavior, multiple studies prove this limitation. Genetics can not explain all of Man's behavior for the same reasons science can not explain value, morality, and metaphysics.

Making the statement, "natural law as we perceive it would not exist without us" is again stating the obvious. Given that natural law pre-existed Man, it is a foregone conclusion that Man can only interpret and give definition to what Man perceives. And, by concluding that same statement with, "it (Natural Law) is a creation of ours to understand our perception" is to deny the conclusions from thousands of years of philosophical debate and ignore the fact that the universe existed before Man. Just because Man can perceive something does not mean is came into existence as a result of that perception. The only thing created here is the definition Man gives to what has been previously unknown to Man. Lastly, stating that Natural Law is a set of guidelines demonstrates an amoral and relativistic world view, might as well begin debating "Relativism vs Absolutism". But it just seems to be an excuse to dismiss those things which science is unable to explain, i.e.; value, morality, and metaphysics.

The very words you use to describe how science can explain emotions completely contradicts your argument. You state that emotions are explained by, "chemical reactions through glandular processes", but the key word here is reaction. The fact is the chemical reaction and glandular processes is a result of the emotion and it is not the chemical reaction and glandular processes causing a person to feel that emotion. The chemical responses and glandular processes allows the person to physically manifest their emotion. If you alter the brain, you are only altering or removing the mechanism that created the chemical reactions which allows a person to physically manifest their emotions or express themselves. Given that the physical nature of man is realized as a bio-chemical "machine" you only drastically change the physical nature of that person. Do not mistake altering/removing part of a person brain as destroying their inherent spiritual nature.

Of all your responses, this one is my favorite because it makes me question if you understand the scientific method and what is necessary to formulate a hypothesis. You are correct when you say, "a theory doesn't require faith because it is either right or wrong" because a theory has already been substantiated. It is a hypothesis that needs to be vetted by scientific investigation to determine if it is right or wrong. However, I am going to presume you did not intend to use theory and hypothesis as synonymously. Again presuming you meant hypothesis, and replacing "theory" with "hypothesis" in your statement, then it is incorrect. If the hypothesis was determined to be right or wrong before the scientific investigation was applied, then there would be no need to perform the investigation to begin with. So, it stands to reason that prior to completing the investigation, the hypothesis is held in supposition until proven one way or the other. But the very act of holding a hypothesis in supposition is to think in the abstract and to place belief in the possibility of what can exist outside of known perception, i.e.; have faith and believe that the unknowable could possibly be true. And, for the life of me, if holding a belief that the unknowable could possibly be true isn't the epitome and essence of what it means to have faith, then I do not know what is.

Also, Albert Einstein was not without faith. He rejected being called an atheist and stated that an ethical culture was most valuable to his religious idealism. Even with all his intelligence, Einstein was wise enough to realize that the human mind was incapable of grasping the complexity of the universe. As a follower of Spinoza, Einstein believed that the soul (the spirit) and body are a single thing. Ironic that you chose Einstein to use an example to back up your "science does not require faith" argument because Einstein was at least wise enough to know that not all answers are contained withing the mind of Man and that the universe is greater than Man. So, to further say that Einstein did not require faith to formulate his hypothesis is a gross misunderstand of Einstein as well as a gross misunderstanding of the relationship between Science and Philosophy.

Now your just mis-stating my positions. I never stated that the scientific method has anything to do with spirituality, I stated that the scientific method, "require(s) some level of faith, no matter how diminished, in order to form a hypothesis." and that, "science requires faith". If you read faith as spirituality then that is your interpretation. Also, I am not seeking to combine science and philosophy, I am simply pointing out the fact they are immutably bound and that philosophy heavily influences scientific theory. And, I never stated that having faith results in a renewed sense of spirituality, I stated that, "the scientific/atheist mind is spiritually sated through the creation of hypothesis." for the reason spelled out above.

I take it that you disdain religion and/or organized religion. That's cool. Many atrocities have been carried out and justified under the banner of God and Religion. So, why you may not be open to religion, religious ideology and morality, I would hope that you do not deny your own spiritual nature under the guise that logic, science, and only that which can be perceived and proven is what makes the whole of Man's existence. Science can not explain why you feel the way you do, it can not explain the value you place on those feelings, it can not explain anything outside the realm of the physical world. And, there is much more to the world and universe that what the feeble human mind can perceive.

What are torure sins?

Atheist lingo maybe?

Why would an athiest consider anything a sin?

Don't athiests not believe, in either God or Satan, or any deity.

How does the word sin fit into your unbelief?

I'm trying to understand why you're arguing a point about something you don't even believe?

Maybe you're a little unclear regarding what an atheist is?

I encountered an atheist after I had accepted Christ, it surprised me at how well he the atheist, knew the Bible!

He ragged and taunted me for being a Christian regularly, telling me how stupid I was for believing in something that did not exist.

I wore Christian T shirts to work every day and over time I could see the disgust growing inside of him against me, for the daily Jesus reminder.

He did not actually dislike me he disliked that I represented every day, why did something he didn't even believe bring him so much discontent.

Finally one day we were working together on a project on top of the roof, 40 ~ 50 feet off the ground he had a look on his face that he just wanted to slap me, because he did not like what I represented.

He said, "the Bible says that if I slap you one one side of your face, you are to turn the other cheek."

I said, "Yes that's right."

He said, "So if I slap the living hell out of you, you'll turn the other cheek?"

I said, "I haven't been a Christian that long, so if you decide to act on what you're saying, you'd better hope there's enough Jesus in me!"

He said, "I don't think I'll be slapping you today."

After that he finally opened up, he had a church background and separated himself from the church, he knew the Bible at that time better than I did, but knowing the words, and believing in your heart are completely different things.

So many want proof or they refuse to believe, and that's the very thing you won't get, it takes faith.

What are torure sins?

Atheist lingo maybe?

Why would an athiest consider anything a sin?

Don't athiests not believe, in either God or Satan, or any deity.

How does the word sin fit into your unbelief?

I'm trying to understand why you're arguing a point about something you don't even believe?

Maybe you're a little unclear regarding what an atheist is?

What would be a non-denominational term for sin? Immoral is what I was thinking, the actual definition of sin could be a deliberate breaking of moral law not only a religious one.

I consider many things to be immoral (Sinful) not because of my fear of judgement but because I live in a society of people and I feel empathy for those people. I kill and rape however many people I want, and that number is and will always be zero.

My point is two-fold I consider things a sin (Immoral) even if they arent listed in a holy book. For example incest, I find it immoral and disgusting. The bible has no problem with it, nor does it have any issue with slavery or the other things I listed. Secondly, if anyone were to actually follow the rules set forth in the bible (For those that believe the word of God is in those pages) you would go to hell on any given day for the weirdest sh*t.

Did you know you can go to heaven if your nuts aren't intact?
He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Deuteronomy 23:1

Thats my problem with religion, Jesus was a cool guy who said good insightful things that people SHOULD listen to. But... then there are the bad things that are implicit in certain holy books, so when I hear someone say I am a X and follow X religion I assume you mean to say I believe fully in X book and everything contained in it, not just the parts I like and dont like.

Edit: Also your coworker was an asshole, I wouldnt be as confrontational for no reason.
That is pure crap! What you want in life you can obtain with hard work and perseverance.Not always GOD
I am grad you guys can have a civil conversation about religion.

I don't know how many religious threads Ry has closed in the past because Godwin intervened but if you add it to the ones I have closed there was enough vitriol to power a small gas turbine.
