AMD's 4800 vid cards are already doing this thru their use of parallel stream processors. I don't know. That is what I see. My view is based on Anandtech's review of 48xx - they have these nice diagrams showing a series of stream processors - and it is indicated that the number of them will probably increase in future. In my semi-literate words, it's like bandwidth on demand. This is the major diff between what AMD and nvidiot are doing - and probably why AMD is tearing them off their laurels.
I really appreciate what "I Overclocked Myself" is saying - and I have been seeing through ntel and nvidiot for years.
My view for future potential goes to AMD also. Think this: AMD is a cpu maker. AMD is a gpu maker. Combine the two and you get the potential to create quad-gpu, quad-cpu - and where does it go after that. Quad to the 4th power? That's a number= 256. I only see this as potential! And just a few bugs to work out to get there (O yeh) - but we are talking StarTrek potential -
"Computer, run Crysis and toy with all opponents using algorithm omega-alpha; let them think they are winning then crush them like bugs, in the final minutes."
Thx to iocedmyself for the waltz in tekky terms - I just feel the concepts, can talk some of it. But what I am trying to say here, was simply and naturally revealed as I read the anand article on 48xx.
What ntel is trying to piece together - so the marketing machine can make you want it (!) - has already been done better!!!! The marketing hype has been abusing people for years - I spose that's biznez. The trickle of supposedly wow technology - and nvidiot has been trickling for years too. We have been fed crumbs; very expensive crumbs.