The RGBeast PC: What We Learned Building an RGB Battlestation

DEEP DEEP Pockets this is for the 1% of people who afford such a build ...Follow the Rainbow and maybe the average Joe could build something close to this.
daaaaannng...I do like seeing a nice rgb build every once in a while. I haven't built an rgb specific build yet...I was going to but the Lian Li dynamic is sold out everywhere, so I am opting for a simpler build with less lights...thinking NZXT h700 red/black box with white components and a few red rgb lights (making a red/black as the primary colors and white as an accent)...not sure if the white inside would look better with the black/white or all black case though...still thinking it over...
Looking forward to the ‘stealth’ build.

I don’t care for the lighting; I’m damned old, which means bifocals, which means some SUPER annoying ‘lens flares’ at times.

So other than a dim backlight...white or blue...on a keyboard so my old ass can reposition, I like gaming in the dark.
@ANIMEMANIA, the components for the PC alone (not counting all the peripherals) tally up to very nearly $4500, although $1,000 of that is due to the current scarcity of the liquid-cooled RTX 2080 Ti. Its MSRP is $1349, but it's currently now often selling for above $2,000. :-(
i don't mind RGB being an option avail for people (to each their own)... but it seems to me that this option, along with solid flat panels of glass, have somewhat taken-over the availability of more efficient designs. aesthetic design focus has left practicality & performance innovation stagnant, while increasing costs.

i appreciate leaving the excessive garish Transformer cases behind for sleek & classy, but "Where's the Beef?!?" (*Wendy's - look it up)
I know with my RGB stuff, there's an option to shut it off. For those of you who just can't handle something new or possibly gaudy or whatever, LEDs are cheap, RGB parts (some of them anyways) aren't all that much more expensive than their non lighted counterparts, and in a lot of instances, some lights like diagnostic lights are a godsend. I remember trouble shooting no video in the old days, and those gosh darned beep codes...
That PC name reminds me of the DC supervillain KGBeast.

As with this RGB setup, this isn't bad if you're into RGB accenting. I have seen way too many builds over the years (and on pcpartpicker) where the RGB is so overdone it is tacky. They remind me of a kids toy at that point instead of being an actual computer. This build at least doesn't overdo it in that regard.

FWIW, our build is pretty beefy, using a Core i9 CPU and RTX 2080 Ti. However, the goal of this build was to be as RGB as possible, probably more than most people would do.
I just did an rgb build and a hybrid gpu and I didnt have half those problems. Though I did a lot of research before I did the build to make sure I wouldnt have issues. You can do a lot with the colors on there other than rainbow as well as turn them off but I used the View 27 to get the most out of the lights on the board as well. I think its nice to see these components have more elements of art and expression on them. Imagine going back to beige boxes for pv cases, Ill pass thank you.