The Sound Of Computer


Jul 19, 2014

It is finally time to upgrade my sound for the computer, (the ones I got know, does not even work, so I have not listen to any type of sound from the computer for months, I can't hear anything when I game or watching movies (so I watch movies with subtitles) and music listening is useless (lol)).

I am looking for some really good ones, not some poor quality, referring to both sound and material as the one I got now: though people could not stop loving them and they where quiet popular in their era for some reason.

I am looking for 2.1 but that still is 5.1, have 5.1 sound or something, what are those called? 5.1 Coded 2.1 speakers?

These are the ones I am choosing between:
Bose Companion 5
and Creative T6 Series 2

I am looking for very rich detail in sound when gaming, listening to music and watching movies and also want a lot of bass. The Companion have 700 watts totally, but I cannot find anything about watt for the Creative ones, this is my question actually, how much watt totally does the Creative T6 Series 2 have? I can't find it anywhere!? Which of these two deliver better detail in sound and overall clarity in sound, you don't need to answer this.

When I speak of detail and clarity in sound some may wonder what I mean but you know when I game I want to hear the small details in it, from every little footstep to throwing grenades, small enemy shots and helicopters/jets/cars from far distance I want to hear them like I am in the war, like you hear everything so clear and detailed and it is so lifelike and when I watch a movie with a waterfall I want to hear the sound of the water like it is in front of me in real life, and I want to almost feel the environment, it should almost chock you how good it sounds, I mean it should really sound lifelike, I want that home theater feeling, this is why I also demand bass and deepness in the speakers I am choosing and I believe Bose Companion 5 and Creative T6 Series 2 can offer something like this, though they are not 7.1 or 5.1 as I can't get, that is also why I am looking for 5.1 coded 2.1 speakers or what those are called.

If you can come with other similar speakers you like or think is better in anything or anything, please, BUT NO 5.1 or 7.1, since my room is not square but rectangular and I am in the very right corner of it so 5.1 can't really perform well in that situation, plus I cannot install 3+ extra satellite speakers, because I would have to make holes into the beautiful walls and other things :-/, and 2.1 works fine for me! Though some serious 5.1 coded ones with great detail and bass are not wrong at all :)).

Please guys help me.
If you know some other speakers the price should not exceed 600$ please.