Man, some of the DOS commands in these posts bring back fond memories. I loved DOS, b/c that's when I really started learning about PCs, at the age of about 10. I didn't learn much on my old Timex Sinclair 1000, but when I got my first PC clone, and then the Tandy 1000 EX....Remember making a Vdisk so a game would load 100 times faster than from a 5.25" floppy? Or having so many games on disks and having to remember what was the name of the batch file or exe to load each one? Sierra games would have 2 or 3 each of batch files, com files, exe files, but at least they would usually load with sierra.exe. Ahh, the good old days, when you had to actually know something about your PC, rather than what icon to click on to get things done. Game designers had to rely on genuine skill, creativity, and the art of story telling, not just big name licensing and perpetual sequels to sell games.