[citation][nom]henryvalz[/nom]I don't really care one way or another, but I what I really do find funny is how the fanboys will come to Jobs' defense, regardless. It's not really about products or software any longer. It has become and identity, a religion, and a thought process. Basically, a cult. I'm sure if Jobs strangled and dismembered a child on live national TV they'd be claiming that the kid hadn't fully read his EULA, and therefore, had agreed to the dismemberment.[/citation]
And the almost cult like bashing he recieves from PC Enthusiasts? Yeah, exactly. People defend what they like and who they like. And attack what they don't. That's pretty natural. However, if you make valid points in your opinion, maybe it would hold value.
On topic however, if he did actually try this.. so what. Its his plane, and there are no real security risks to worry about. If he was gonna try to go iTerrorist circa 9-11, it would only make sense for him to pilot the thing himself, and hell, get a large plane like Travolta, instead of a smaller private jet. More fuel, more size, more damage. But no, he isn't, its his property, and nobody other than the mindless zombies that work at TSA care. It's just another example of Zero Tolerance-Class policies and the ignorance than bred them.
But as everyone knows, Steve Jobs wouldn't do that because it would end his plan of world domination. iEarth will exist, just you wait ;D