1. Computational life science and application in drug discovery and medical development
2. New materials and energy creation
3. Projection of global change toward the mitigation of natural disasters
4. Industrial innovations
5. The origin of matter and the universe[/citation]
In addition, each field has several subfields. For instance 2. "New materials and energy creation" explores the following subfields:
■ Fundamental science of novel quantum states and new materials
■ Molecular function and matter transformation
■ Energy conversion
■ Next-generation advanced device science
This last one is of particular interest for computer enthusiasts, since it will perform research for future electronic devices, making future computers faster, cheaper, and more efficient.
"As semiconductor devices become smaller, it will become more difficult to design or predict the operation of semiconductor devices using the existing techniques in the very near future. The K supercomputer will enable us to perform simulations for whole practical nanoscale devices, based on electronic theory, and to develop guidelines for designing new devices that incorporate the quantum effects that control nano-level phenomena."