The Witcher TV series.

Just curious what others think so far of this show? I'm rather liking it. I don't know why so many seemed skeptical about Henry Cavil playing Geralt. I think he's handling it fine, especially the swordplay. I was sold by the ending of the first episode, wasn't expecting anything that good.
I'm watching Episode 2 right now. Love it so far. I didn't play the first 2 games but I played Witcher 3 twice and I've read both prequel short story books and I'm halfway through the first novel, Blood of Elves. The books are great too.
I didn't play the first 2 games but I played Witcher 3 twice...
Same for me, so I'm a bit lost story wise after 3 episodes of the show, but it's holding it's pull on me.

I think my only gripe so far is it's just an 8 episode season. I hope they add more for season 2. It also won't release until 2021, but maybe that means they'll put more episodes in.
The show is based on the books. And except for the Yennifer origin it's sticking pretty closely to the first 2 short story books. The Yen thing could be later in the books and I'm not there yet but I think they made it for the show. Yen and Geralt had been a thing and off again a few times before he ever meets Ciri in the books.
The show is based on the books. And except for the Yennifer origin it's sticking pretty closely to the first 2 short story books. The Yen thing could be later in the books and I'm not there yet but I think they made it for the show. Yen and Geralt had been a thing and off again a few times before he ever meets Ciri in the books.
Yeah I know, but you would think the games would be too, and normally you see WAY more detail in games than TV shows simply due to time constraints. Particularly when you factor in they only have 8 episodes per season.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll relate to the story more when it starts paralleling the content of TW3. I did have a sneaking hunch they took liberties with the Yennefer origin though, albeit pretty well done just the same.
Just curious what others think so far of this show? I'm rather liking it. I don't know why so many seemed skeptical about Henry Cavil playing Geralt. I think he's handling it fine, especially the swordplay. I was sold by the ending of the first episode, wasn't expecting anything that good.

It was relaxing the series to watch, Ive watched to episode 8 but If I had to decide, it wasn't as good as i thought. I like that they show Yen's and Ciri's point of view but most action and stories are skipped in the books (Last Wish - Sword of Destiny) However if you really don't want to read the books and have no time im guessing the series in an alternative.
I really really liked The Witcher. I've read books,played games. I like the quality of the series, how they stick to the game and books, and Hanry Cavill. STUNNING!
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I love it, at first I was really confused about the Timelines, but in the end it is one of my favourite series.
I started watching it and I was not very sure about it. Little bit boring and I stopped watching it. But if u recommend it, maybe I will start it again and watch it.
I started watching The Witcher few days ago and i am on 6th eps. Actually this is interesting season and i definitely continue to season 2 for sure!!