There in nothing new to invent.

It seems as though all has been invented, patented, trademarked, fabricated, modded, painted, sung, ect...

We live in a very technological world, full of many great wonders that power our lives daily: Light bulb, television, radio, computer, toasters, the sliced bread for toasters, computers, transistors, get the picture.

But there is more to these than general objects. For instance, chemicals and nanotechnology, bridge infrastructure, science projects, and other general engineering and natural sciences.

The3 issue seems to be that everything that could possibly exist, already does. However, instead of these already invented ideas being implemented, they have been patented and stored. Another thing is that they already exist.

Now, you may think that the former is true, but the latter is utter bull.

This is the case I make.

As a person who wants to invent something, hopefully, and provide for the common good of man; I feel as thought I have nothing to offer. There is no original thought I could have. Maybe it is because I'm an idiot, stupid, or just plain ignorant, but hear me out.

If I want to help make the world a better place, the only thing I can do is nothing.

I can be a resourcer...make things more efficient, but that has no economical or social incentive for me or other engineers.

We live in a place where hard work pays off, but if there is nothing to work for...what is the incentive? What am I suppose to do? Are we to just continue on what we have?

Your thoughts?
A very very very old question. Who am I? Why am I here?
The purpose is to serve God, to glorify him, and to please him. This seems to most, strange, peculiar, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish, singular, eccentric, curious. To a few, it is total comfort.
Patents actually drive innovation. Inventions are not made just because people are nice and want to "provide for the common good of man". Inventions and innovation is made for potential profit. If there is no patenting or copy right then anybody can copy you and steal your profit which eliminates the incentive and motivation for innovation and invention. Patent allow you to seriously profit off of inventions.

How patents should be handling is another story. I think it is ridiculous when companies patent shapes of phones or something as simple as that. However, specific inventions or developments that required resource, labor, and capitol to produce should be allowed to be patented and profited on. Its one of capitalism's driving factors.

If I didn't answer the question, then I think I misinterpreted what you are trying to say.
What were the Romans thinking as the fiddler played?
They had water, running water.
They had foods from all over the world available to them.
They had roads to go anywhere in the known world.

Civilizations are often driven by invention.
When the cupboards full, we worry little about food.
When our homes are warm and dry, we worry little about where we live.
Today, kids are getting fat.
Educations simply arent worth the costs of them.
In the first world there is little struggle, so much so, as we get fatter, some act as if success itself is wrong by itself, and surely must be shared.

Today the discontent, the needy have no voice, and the only true order of discontent is driven mainly thru religion.
The worst time to go shopping for food?
When we are full.

I really wonder what those Romans were thinking.....
The issue I see is that I cannot come up with anything original. I cannot think of anything to help modern man.

The feeling of utter stupidity when you are going through life and you want to bring something to light, yet, you have no idea how to implement that idea when it is seen as too far fetched.

It must be laziness on my part, or are we truly at the end of mans won technological evolution?

What I am trying to say is that there has been no new inventors out there. Everyone is just reinventing the wheel.

I don't know why I want to invent something. I am not even that intelligent to being with.

the whole issue I have is that...well, I don't know how to make the world a better place. There is nothing for future engineers to develop to make an impact.

Inventions follow a reverse exponential impact curve. That is the older the invention the more crucial it is to the human race. (Roughly speaking).

Think about it:
Fire > The transistor > iPad
Wheel > Wagon > Car

The fact that you are admitting that you aren't intelligent, immediately shows me that you ARE intelligent. It takes intelligence to know that intelligence is limited.

I agree 100%. Fundamental inventions begin to fade as civilization advances. The transistor has been invented, and now people are inventing ways to use it and perfect it. Same with the transistor...the material its made from was invented and people invented a way to use it to create a transistor. Every invention is technically re-inventing the wheel, its just to what degree they are.
@OMG: I was looking into graphene, but with my current grades in college, I do not think anyone would allow me to at lest look into a personal research program or convince a professor to aid me with fellow engineers.


Interesting perspective. Never thought of that. I can say it is a logica approach to how we use such technology in our lives.
Way to go!

@blackhawk: If you could see my current grades, you would think twice about that comment. I do strive to achieve; however, there is the fact that I will fail over and over. That does not sit well with my parents.

Well, back to HW. Won't be back until I am done with work and classwork.

God bless.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requires that which is past.

Whether you believe in God or not and even if you are not religious, hopefully you give respect to the notion that the above words were written over 2200 years ago.

I take a completely opposite view to the statement that everything has already been invented. We are on the cusp of an exponential technological explosion that will define mankind. Do you consider new software an invention? If so there are thousands every year. Inventing something by yourself seems to be to be a certain niche. Its hard to compete with huge corporations in terms of new products but that shouldn't deter you. Maybe you create a new algorithm that better manages inventory in middle sized businesses, or something as simple as a dogbowl that monitors both food and water output to help manage a pets health.

Intelligence comes in many different shades and shapes. Instead of a linear focus dumb---------average-----------smart. I like to think of it terms of a sphere where each point on the outer shell represents a different aspect of human intelligence. Maybe you are a gifted artist, is this not a form of intelligence? What about music, business, robotics, writing, hell even politics takes a certain devious type of intelligence.

All its takes is creativity, which from what I have seen you post, is something you have. Find a need and fill it.

IIRC there have been 'design' patents for well over a hundred years now, in addition to plant patents and utility patents (the most common type). I think design patents are good for 12 years, vs. 20 years for utility patents as measured from date of filing. So the rounded corners on an iPhone would be a design patent subject matter, the swipe-to-unlock would be a utility patent subject matter..

Yep. I'm sure the average Joe Blow back in 1975, looking at the first Altair computer kits, merely thought of it as a hobbyist box with blinking lights and not much in the way of usefulness. However Bill Gates and Steve Jobs looked further into the future and saw the potential for truly useful, and highly profitable, personal computers for everything from business to entertainment and gaming..

May I suggest that he may be indicating that salesmanship is required, even for very good ideas. Salesmanship can even sell a bad idea. Even with the lack of an idea, sell yourself tall, not short.
You cant really anticipate design.

Who would have thought that being able to post 140 characters would be a billion dollar idea? All the parts were right there someone just put it together.....


Look at the link i posted.
I've been in my 10x10 cubicle for over 20 years. And I'm very satisfied with what I've engineered. "All the parts were right there I just put it together". Being homogenized is a state of being that you put upon yourself.
A left field solution: Find a girlfriend/boyfriend. They are really awesome to have. It really helped me a lot.
There is no such thing as a new thought; everything has been thought of given your circumstances. Though, implementing and developing something is the key over thinking about something.