Thereye at it again

Now, imagine someone saying the good people have done nothing wrong, the government says, if you do this, you will be fined.
A new gun law?
A new mentality?

As expected, its the same mindset that permeates this country.
Whether its about law abiding gun owners or law abiding car owners....yep, car owners.

Yesterday we told you the tale of a man whose car was stolen because he left it unattended to warm up. Perhaps he didn’t know that it’s actually illegal to do so, depending on where you live.

On subzero mornings like these, letting your car warm up a bit is a must, but be careful how you do it. Depending on where you reside, there are certain rules and regulations to follow. According to WCCO, in both Minneapolis and St. Paul, leaving your keys in the ignition is fair game for a ticket. In St. Paul, you can even have your keys taken away and brought to the police station if a cop sees you leave your car while it’s running.

If you’re desperate to stay inside while your car idles, a remote starter is a good (legal—since the keys don’t need to be in the ignition) option. Even with the convenience of a remote starter, make sure you don’t let your car idle in Minneapolis for longer than three minutes—the legal limit in the city.

Now, at sub zero temps, and people not needing guns, as guns are bad, people are good attitudes prevail, it seems some people are stealing warming cars, and as such, the police/pols are going after the gun...errr car owners here.
Yep, makes sense to me, I mean, someone could steal that persons car and get in an accident and kill someone, you never know....
What the hell is happening to the people here in the states it seems they are out of control now.
Its easier to go after the willing, like the earlier thread about the guys business in Cali, where he complied, then complied, then complied yet again, til they finally drove him to challenge the new "laws"
The honest, hard working, money making, whether its alot or just decent, theyre the ones government here wants to go after, as it gets results, otherwise known as money.

This isnt about fare share, possibly being obese, weirdos killing innocents, second hand smoke, its about money.
Just as second hand smoke, weirdos killing innocents, too much sodas etc etc.
They want to control you, and tax you, as they simply dont have an alternative, like going after the thieves, which is again, as usual, already a law, but we need more.
Why? Money/control