Thermal compound question


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

AMD Athlon 2500+ i need thermal compound with the retail package
NOT over clocking...supplied heatsink/fan has copper circle & square grey
pad on it.
If i need it, what is good brand...Artic Silver perhaps..?
thanks for any help..


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Thu, 08 Apr 2004 00:45:26 GMT, "Bill" <> wrote:

>AMD Athlon 2500+ i need thermal compound with the retail package
>NOT over clocking...supplied heatsink/fan has copper circle & square grey
>pad on it.
>If i need it, what is good brand...Artic Silver perhaps..?
>thanks for any help..

You do not "need" any, as the heatsink comes with thermal interface
material (square grey pad). If you did use some, it would typically lower
the temp by about 3 degrees, dpending on how flat the particular specimen
of 'sink you received, is.

If you already had the compound I'd suggest that you clean off the
original material before ever using the heatsink, as it's easier to do so
before it's melted to the 'sink and CPU, but without any indication that
you need to, there's no reason to buy the compound, you can take a
wait-n-see attitude. This is also assuming a moderate indoor environment,
not an extreme condition like running in the middle of summer with no air
conditioning, but if that is the environment I'd suggest a different,
better heatsink too.