thermal compund?



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly. I ws going to
buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for a 3 cc tube set off my scam
alarm. As i'm currently working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i
might be able to ask for a small free sample of something really good.

Any suggestions?


Jul 10, 2002
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 04:00:35 GMT, Jaime Alvarez <>

>I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly. I ws going to
>buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for a 3 cc tube set off my scam
>alarm. As i'm currently working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i
>might be able to ask for a small free sample of something really good.
>Any suggestions?

get the 99¢ tube at radio shack.

the expensive stuff only's worth a degree or two and you'll probably
put too much on anyway ;)


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 04:00:35 +0000, Jaime Alvarez wrote:

> I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly. I ws going to
> buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for a 3 cc tube set off my scam
> alarm. As i'm currently working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i
> might be able to ask for a small free sample of something really good.
> Any suggestions?

Wheel bearing grease. About $2 a tub last time I bought some. Does about
50,000 cpu's. Works about as good as anything else. Or if that's not to
your liking, try some silicone grease. Motor oil, 50w. or any water based
solution will beat all of the greases for a short time. IOW's, your scam
alarm is right on.:)
BTW, your old heat sink is still good. Most fans that start dying just
need a little oil to the bearings. Brake fluid works good for that, or any
light weight oil like sewing machine or fishing reel oil. A small drop
will usually revive a fan to work longer than it did when new.

Abit KT7-Raid (KT133) Tbred B core CPU @2400MHz (24x100FSB)


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Jaime Alvarez <> wrote in message news:<DrHhc.89801$>...

> I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly.
> I ws going to buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for
> a 3 cc tube set off my scam alarm. As i'm currently
> working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i might be
> able to ask for a small free sample of something really
> good.
> Any suggestions?

Thermal compound is silicone or ester oil mixed with powdered filler,
like zinc oxide, to improve heat conduction and prevent the oil from
running. I believe ester oil causes itching, but and the only
advantage to it is that it prevents commercial circuit board washing
equipment from being contaminated with silicone. If you go to a
TV/electronics parts house or Radio Shack, ask for heatsink grease
(Radio Shack #276-1372). Automotive parts stores sell it as
dielectric grease, for use on ignition systems to seal out water and
prevent rubber spark plug boots from getting stuck to the plugs; it's
also applied to ignition modules to cool them. Some cars, like those
from GM, use it to seal headlight or tail light connections from
moisture, and there's probably enough extra there for a few CPU
heatsinks, but don't use any that's dirty since the grit may prevent a
good, tight fit between the CPU package and heatsink.

Do not use wheel bearing grease or brake fluid because they're too
thin to fill the gaps and not run out later on, and brake fluid may
also evaporate and damage plastics (brake fluid is excellent paint


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

If you don't want to fry your CPU, I might recommend buying the thermal


"Jaime Alvarez" <> wrote in message
> I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly. I ws going to
> buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for a 3 cc tube set off my scam
> alarm. As i'm currently working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i
> might be able to ask for a small free sample of something really good.
> Any suggestions?


Apr 2, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Jaime Alvarez wrote:

> I bought a new HS + Fan as my current one is dying slowly. I ws going to
> buy thermal compound as well, but $ 15 for a 3 cc tube set off my scam
> alarm. As i'm currently working at a chemistry lab, i thought that i
> might be able to ask for a small free sample of something really good.
> Any suggestions?

Go to radioshack and buy some of their thermal grease. I bought a tube of it
years ago and still have plenty. I saw a test on this stuff and the RS
grease was as good (or better) than all that expencive stuff. Of course
there are plenty of sites catering to the "fan boys" that proclaim the ___
silver magic grease will drop temps 5C etc. Total BS.
