Thermals for G750 JS model?
Question for all you g750 js model owners or anyone else with knowledge about this.
I've gone through 3 JM models due to thermals reaching 102-103c. This was all same shipment from best buy.
So I thought to remedy the situation by buying on, also had a few more $$ so I went with the JS model this time. Upon first running a whole line of benchmarking programs, temps never went above 85c CPU. Problem was during idle or very little cpu stress temps were 70-75c. But I thought that the top ceiling was low enough this time so just didn't worry to much.
But then I started downloading my video rendering/editing programs. Now while editing/rendering a video I see temps 95-100c. So I thought well, not over 100c yet and cpu is at 100%.
But now, even while gaming and cpu usage isn't over 60% (just now ran skyrim at 45% load), my max temps are 100c. Is this normal? Bad? Thoughts? Opinions?
I've tried several times on several notebooks now emailing asus to get anything from them, and still nothing. First attempt was made several months ago. Last one was last week.
Question for all you g750 js model owners or anyone else with knowledge about this.
I've gone through 3 JM models due to thermals reaching 102-103c. This was all same shipment from best buy.
So I thought to remedy the situation by buying on, also had a few more $$ so I went with the JS model this time. Upon first running a whole line of benchmarking programs, temps never went above 85c CPU. Problem was during idle or very little cpu stress temps were 70-75c. But I thought that the top ceiling was low enough this time so just didn't worry to much.
But then I started downloading my video rendering/editing programs. Now while editing/rendering a video I see temps 95-100c. So I thought well, not over 100c yet and cpu is at 100%.
But now, even while gaming and cpu usage isn't over 60% (just now ran skyrim at 45% load), my max temps are 100c. Is this normal? Bad? Thoughts? Opinions?
I've tried several times on several notebooks now emailing asus to get anything from them, and still nothing. First attempt was made several months ago. Last one was last week.