Thermaltake Tower 900 Case Review

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I don't quite get the Temperatures over Ambient chart.

Neither Celsius nor Fahrenheit makes much sense.

Either cpus were averaging 90 - 106 Celsius or the ambient temperature in the room was like 50 °F.

Am I missing something?

Nope. I increased the thermal threshold to 115 °C. You can do that with this CPU and motherboard.
Excellent and thorough review as always. As an air cooler builder, I am always interested in seeing the difference a case design makes in CPU and GPU thermals. What I found intriguing here was that the 900 had the best CPU temp but only third best GPU temp with two other cases tying. Rosewill's classic pull-push case design continues to prove that a simple in-out air solution is the best over a ton of fans blowing everywhere.

With that said, as one who only likes to keep his gaming PCs on top of a desk instead of on the floor where dust gets kicked up, these cube designs would be impracticable. They would look good in the slot of a media center however as a media PC.
Arrrgh I hate those stamped, split corner and flattened style USB case ports. They look sooo cheap. When I was looking for a new case any that had those were crossed off the list.


At that point you don't have water cooling, more like half of a steam generator lol.

We actually set the system up to find the greatest variation in temperatures. Unfortunately, the case we used for the baseline was a really WELL ventilated case. Otherwise we would have used a larger (air) cooler or a lower overclock. When we set this up, there still wasn't enough consistency in radiator support between cases to pick just one liquid cooler, and air does a good job of showing the effects of airflow anyway.
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