Thinking of switching to a 6-Core Intel build coming from an AMD 8350 build. Wise or not?


Jan 15, 2015
I'm a Graphic and Motion artist, who's getting ready to do a lot of 2D and 3D rendering (in a week). So I just had this in mind.

Right now, I can still return my FX-8350 and get a refund, and then, I know I can easily resell my Asus board for a few bucks less. Then, my RAM's shouldn't be too hard to resell as well. Would it be a good idea to go for the switch to a 5820K right now? the build would look like this since I just need to change the RAM, Board, and CPU.

Intel 6-Core build

1. I'm not sure what case to choose yet, cuz the store where I went to didn't have the 450D case that I wanted. A Full-ATX would be nice, but it feels a bit unnecessary.

2. If I don't do the upgrade, I'm looking at go for a 1440p Dell monitor + a 980Ti/FuryX instead + a workstation laptop(Which I already have a budget set for.)

I'll be coming from this current build I have.

8-core FX-8350 build

1. If I stay with this, I'll just resell the Card, change the case, and purchase the 1440p monitor.

So yeah, I have until next month I'd say... To decide. Hope to collect very helpful ideas from everyone.

Thanks for the thoughts.

More rendering and graphics work tbh. I haven't really played that much since I got really busy. But I do game on the side... Playing MGSV right now. That's about it.

The build is more for heavy rendering and graphic work.

Right now, I think I have a 600-800$ budget for the switch. Should go up a few more by the end of this month.

It actually feels a lot more efficient. I have a 2G budget for a new laptop. I'm looking at lowering that, and just investing more on a better desktop. SO, I'll be keeping my eye's on a 5820k.

I do plan on re-using everything if I do switch, saves me a lot more money.