This is How Microsoft Introduced Windows 1.0

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Why waste valuable screen space on a clock? But, yeah, we've come a long way. That screen still looks better than my old monochromatic green screen though.
Laughs.I've used the first version of Windows before but Windows 286 and 386 were better (not greatly though).The first version of Windows could have color if you had a CGA card.They were pretty pathetic until Windows 3.0 came out.I'm still fond of Windows 3.1.
Nathan's Toasty Technology Page has some better screenshots of OS's
"...lets users integrate the tasks they perform with their computer by providing the ability to work with several programs at the same time and easily switch between them without having to quit and restart individual applications."

Fast forward to current day for iphone, sans iOS 4. Good job Apple you just did it! Haha.
My First PC was a Windows 98 with Intel celeron 433 MHz and 128 MB SD RAM with 8 GB HDD, i do understand the Advancement we came through since than.
This decades of innovation has brought us here but nobody can say for sure where it will take us.
"I imagine that the idea of using more than one application at the same time was mind-blowing to DOS users..."
Meh... Depends. It was all a bit much for many users, but then getting them to understand the single user single app thing was often a bit of a challenge too. Getting them to save their work before shutting down the app to open another was a challenge...
Those with techie sort of minds jumped on this very quickly, like 'Why wasn't it like this from the beginning?'
Having said that, it was so bug addled and flakey, many of us went back to DOS and stayed there, peeping over the parapet at each windows 'update' until we finally gave in. I found I quite liked the win95 shell, but the flakiness drove me to distraction. Then I got my hands on a pirate (pre release beta) NT4, and never looked back.
So I must love Windows 7 then? Well, actually, I'm loving Ubuntu 10.10. I have it on my machine and the guest machine, and the child box and the wife box are both on XP. I've yet to see a single feature in vista or 7 that I can't live without, and the rather elderly hardware still works fine with XP.
Microsoft had it right back then (apart from the oversized launcher bar). No window decorations wasting precious pixels around the edges of windows. No desktop showing through and using up space. Tiling window manager FTW.
Next they should show a screen of what MSN was like in Windows 95.
1994 i believe it came out. i remember MSN used the file explorer interface before they made it browser based. anyways i love Microsoft and all they have accomplished in the last 25 years. IE was a true god send! even AOL had to include IE after it came out...even though it pretty much destroyed the need for AOL. I am amazed at how much software has progressed and how much cheaper PCs are now. We went from dialup to broadband, midi to mp3 now if more people would just switch from iTunes to EJukebox the world would be a better place.
1 thing I have to say about Win 1.0 there was no room for bloatware. All code did something useful.

Why can't more modern systems take a page from the old testament?
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