This is the WoW: Mists of Pandaria Opening Sequence

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As one of the posters said on UTube - why doesn't Blizz make some freakin' MOVIES in the style of their trailers.

Good trailer, only if the game would live up to it.
The first SCII trailer still gives me goosebumps and I don't even play the game. The unfortunate reality is that Blizz wants to make money and an MMO with the graphics of a AAA FPS title will NOT get 10mil+ monthly subs. The client system requirements are too high and the server side couldn't handle it, currently. Mayans aside, the future will hopefully be better in this regard.
"Whether you’re Horde or Alliance, there is one question we all must consider: Why do we fight?"

So, Blizzard... You're finally telling us you'll go faction free and Free for All PvP? Good, Good! I might even consider going back if that's the case; there's a lot of my own faction folks I'd like to slaughter because PvP.

So, its obvious the audience being targeted by blizzard... 14, 15 y/o? Is that where the cash is in? Cause no 18+ player would (should?) bare such a stupid concept as panda bears in their game
this looks stupid. I can't believe that blizzard poured resources into this dying game to produce a ridiculous expansion when they would have been better off putting those resources to use making sure that diablo 3 wasn't so messed up on release (and is still messed up).

This is like trying to save a rotten dying tree while trampling the new sapling beside it.
I was pretty disappointed in this trailer. The past cinematics were so much better than this. As crappy as SWTOR was, that had a killer opener. It was almost as if Blizzard was targeting 9 to 10 year olds.
Wow, Po will be in warcraft soon, another great reason not to play.

WoW isn't really dieing, 10+ million subs is a huge amount, even EA hasn't killed Ultima Online yet and its below 100k subs. WoW will be around at least until Titan is released and I would bet that Blizzard will offer them both for a while then slowly find a way to transition people off WoW and into Titan.

I played WoW until a few months before Cata dropped and I am glad I got out when I did. But, it was fun while it lasted.
[citation][nom]davewolfgang[/nom]As one of the posters said on UTube - why doesn't Blizz make some freakin' MOVIES in the style of their trailers. Good trailer, only if the game would live up to it.[/citation]

anyone can create in interesting short movie, that isnt hard in the least, but sustaining a naritive throughout a what, 90 minute to 150 minutes is far FAR more challenging. that said, if they ever got a good enough script and made a movie, i would so be willing to buy it.

[citation][nom]whyso[/nom]who the hell came up with the idea to base it off pandas? Seriously, why, it just seems so weird. Trailer was pretty crappy.[/citation]

till now, have they had any asian culture in the game? i really dont know this part.
than if the only reason they put it in is to be the asian monk, than you would get morons who call it racist.
the class itself is one thats in many rpgs to the point you expect it.

[citation][nom]gerchokas[/nom]So, its obvious the audience being targeted by blizzard... 14, 15 y/o? Is that where the cash is in? Cause no 18+ player would (should?) bare such a stupid concept as panda bears in their game[/citation]

i actully feel sorry for you that you are so dead inside you cant enjoy a game because of that... wow was never uber realistic, and you may have a point, and i mean MAY, if it was in a realistic setting.

[citation][nom]bejabbers[/nom]this looks stupid. I can't believe that blizzard poured resources into this dying game to produce a ridiculous expansion when they would have been better off putting those resources to use making sure that diablo 3 wasn't so messed up on release (and is still messed up).This is like trying to save a rotten dying tree while trampling the new sapling beside it.[/citation]

may not be at peak numbers any more, but it still has a larger active player base than most games sell coppeis.

[citation][nom]Pennanen[/nom]Wow always had good trailers but in game its just 2 characters standing still waving weapons at air.[/citation]

meh, its hard to make an active game out of an mmo, where you need skill to play. im not saying you dont need skill to play wow, just a different kind of skill thats harder to get.
[citation][nom]gerchokas[/nom]So, its obvious the audience being targeted by blizzard... 14, 15 y/o? Is that where the cash is in? Cause no 18+ player would (should?) bare such a stupid concept as panda bears in their game[/citation]

I think 14/15 is a little too high. Seems more like 9 or 10 year olds.

The Pandas are part of Warcraft lore, why they picked that instead of fixing multi year old issues and expanding on content / factions / enemies from Vanilla, BC & LK is a little beyond me. But maybe new content that players will rip through in 3 days is a good idea for a 2 year wait.

Alidan is correct. A significant portion of WoW subs are now asian, and it's more likely for Blizz to get more new Subs from that region of the world than from the EU or the Americas. Add in "Asian" style classes/races, Asian style dragon mounts / pets and the Pokemon combat system .... sorry I mean pet battles ... actually no, lets call it what it is, stupid WoW Pokemon combat system. And your more likely to get more new subs vs the number of subs lost due to the silliness factor.

Oh well only another 2 years until X-Pac 5. Maybe by then Blizz will have come to their senses and will reward / try to keep their existing subs instead of doing silly things to attract new subs. LOL Like that will ever happen.
Just to be clear, I don't have anything against pandas or the style protrayed in the trailer, but it just belongs in another franchise.
I found the trailer amusing, particularly the 2'30" scene.

I also applaud Blizzard for pushing the WarCraft franchise way out of it's element, so much that it will finally bring fiery a death to the franchise.
This is getting annoying. How many Blizzard fanboys are working at Tomshardware? Give us some real news, we are not a bunch of kids coming here to get informed about every single update and patch to WoW and Diablo.
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