This looks like a nice PC. The first red flag I see is that you have the minimum power supply for your video card. For PC Gaming since you might be powering all sorts of extras liquid cool cpu, high end audio, dual usb mechanical keyboard, gamepad an atx box design for lots of fans. Then comes the question of what type of Hard Drive(s) you are using: IDE, SSD, M.2. So power, heat, cooling all depend upon what else is inside. I'm pretty sure the Xbox One X has had to fine tune every aspect of their console since its NOT like a PC where you can pop it upon and make a quick change.
Just to be clear, I have a console and its for quests to keep them busy while I play my PC games. I'm a 1000% PC Gamer.
I'd say your setup fails on Power Supply being too small (nice brand though for other stuff). I would feel so trapped by a console though, because until a console and do MORE than a PC, what's the point. Also I noticed that your PC was "more" than VR ready, can Xbox One X do VR?