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Careful, your (big) chip (on your left shoulder) is showing
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 12:24:28 -0000, "Knild" <>
><> wrote in message
>> One *forum* post. Not a DPR review.
>> The guy didn't return.
>> No mention of possible filter problems.
>> He even posted a contradictory image - you can't have it both ways,
>> either it vignettes or it doesn't. (Yes, I know it's probably just sky
>> darkening, but the point is, this isn't a very scientific or
>> methodically investigated post..)
>> Some others on the post agreed, some didn't.
>> Vignetting is not especially difficult to deal with.
>> It may well be a problem with the lens design, and if it is.. well,
>> gee, no other manufacturer has ever made errors or produced
>> sub-standard products, or made a design compromise, now have they?!
>> So which Oly maniacs are not admitting to a problem, and what exactly
>> is that `problem`? Expanding on that, might make this a useful post.
>> Or is this just a generic whine from *another* brand maniac? Sheesh
>> indeed.
>You miss the point - there has been an awful lot of hoo-hah in the Oly forum
>about the expected new lenses from Olympus (expressed in the usual
>nauseating manner of the Askey forums - 'Sweeeeet', Awesome' etc etc) and a
>good deal of bashing anyone who demurs from the forum stance that
>One would have thought that their underwear dampening excitement at the
>prospect of paying Olympus huge prices for the precious new lenses would
>have been somewhat tempered by the knowledge that the existing ones don't
>seem to work very well!
>But, apparently not - and (as they doubtless chuckle in the Olympus
>boardroom) 'A foolish Olympus owner and his money are very easily parted"