Thoughts For Upgrading my System


Dec 21, 2013
Hello friends,
just a quick question that asks a lot about your opinion! Wondering where I should go from here on my build, going to stay AMD for the time being as well. Thinking about Star Citizen coming out in 2015 wanting to play that, keeping that in mind, and just general rig performance boosting.
The build:
Some of my ideas I've had so far for the upgrades are, SSD, more RAM, closed loop water cooler, crossfire my GPU, and a new power supply. If any of those seem like good places to start please tell me and a product that goes for that!

I'd look at the Corsair TX750M or the XFX PRO750W is another good one...DRAM if going for 16GB look at 2x8GB 1866/9 as a max, would look at the GSkill Snipers in same (1866/9) with the Ripjaws X sets as a secondary, both work very well w/ AMD rigs....another GPU would show biggest performance increase, especially for your gaming
For SSD, I would definately recommend some, as it has much faster read and write speeds. If you are on a budget, I recommend the A-Data ASP600S3-64GM-C if you are on a budget, but if you are not I would go bigger with the Kingston SV200S3D/256G.
As for RAM goes, with your build, I would have a minimum of 12gb of DDR3 RAM, but medium 16gb.
Cooler Master RS-550-AMAA-G1 would be what I recommend for a power supply.

Well, that PSU is not a good unit at all. Stick with the brands I listed.

12gb RAM is not even possibly because you cannot use tri channel RAM with this board. 8gb is MORE than enough for ANY gaming you want to do. 16gb will add no performance gains.

Lastly, get a 120gb SSD. 64gb is too small to put ANYTHING on expect the OS.
First off, what will you be doing with your rig, and what's the basis of your rig you are going to upgrade? you're list appears to be proposed upgrades, i.e. an 8350 so am guessing you have a AM3+ mobo you are working from...but a little more info is needed, what you have and plan to keep, otherwise you may well get flooded from people who assume this or assume that, and of course they all know better than you, what you are doing 😉 or should be doing 😉
In reply to Tradesman: I plan to keept the CPU and motherboard for the time being, yes it is an AM3+ socket, im a big fan or overclocking, that is my build i am working off aswell
tiny voices: Yes 8gigs is how much i have, also yes it is trash now that i look back on it, any ideas for a PSU for crossfireing that you seem to have had luck with? the reason i say more RAM is because of Star Citizen and how stupidly intensive its planned to be
The 12gigs of RAM is possible if i could fine a4 gig kit for it but not worth it
ideas for water coolers?

Thanks keep it going!!!
I'd look at the Corsair TX750M or the XFX PRO750W is another good one...DRAM if going for 16GB look at 2x8GB 1866/9 as a max, would look at the GSkill Snipers in same (1866/9) with the Ripjaws X sets as a secondary, both work very well w/ AMD rigs....another GPU would show biggest performance increase, especially for your gaming
Have you been able to find like numerical data to show that? i believe you all the way but im wondering by how much, ill more then likley be buying the corsair psu thanks! random question, how have you like that CM GTS v8 cooler?
we know running 2 270x's is a good idea because A. the 8350 isnt pushed by that single one, and can easily handle 2. B. The M5A99FX pro will Xfire well because dual 8x/8x pcie lanes for the GPUs and C. Mantle is supposed to fix a lot of xfire stutters and give performance gains (i think)


If asking about the Memory and 2 vs 4 sticks, can look here:

and this info in the chart is based on their early on testing using 4GB sticks, I and many other systems folks went back and forth w/ AMD on the issue of 1866 sticks and the FX CPUs, (still have a number of emails) and they finally 'semi' clarified with 1866 as to "up to 1 DIMM per channel" at 1866.

On the GTS V8, love it, I preordered it a month in advance and ran a 212 EVO till it arrived, the EVO managed well at 4.4 but after a day or two here in AZ started getting warmer than I liked, the V8 keeps idles down in the low 30s 24/7 at 4.6 (4.7 I'm still playing with (in all my free time LOL, which isn't much)
Tradesman: i was talking about the GPU crossfireing performance, but that is also very interesting! have you ever really had problems with that cooler? also sound wise how is it?
Beezy: yeah ive really liked my 270x, i happen to have the sapphire 4gig version and love it, but looking for that little more performance that will actually be a lot, also be nice to have more monitors 😛 eyefinity performance increase will be very very nice aswell

Have used a number of the Noctuas and Phanteks, mainly it's based on client request, the EVO is most popular (can run and DRAM with it (fans are adjustable) and cools very well and can't beat the price, don't mess with the closed loop water, no real need for them. LN is fun 😉
That will come later 😉 thanks a ton and you really have pointed out some very valid things to me! Going to lower the clock speed on my ram, keeping the cooler, going to be getting the corsair psu you recommended and more then likely an ssd as well! You know of any good ones?