First to the people, Toms reviews items sent to them, if Antec, Corsair, Seasonic, P&C don't send them a test sample, it doesn't get reviewed. I'm absolutely positive that if you sent a donation for them to purchase one to get reviewed, they'd buy one and do it, if you don't, quit whining about it.
Secondly, to Toms, for the most part, you do decent to good reviews on most products. But you continually butcher PS reviews in you methodology and assumptions. Every time you do one, you have quite a few people call out your errors and at the very least, tell you to go to jonnyguru to see how it should be done. Please learn. A basic example is this: If 2 PS's have the same power draw and same efficiency, they will each be creating the same amount of heat. The one with the bigger delta of intake temp vs outtake has the better cooling solution as it's getting rid of more heat via air circulation instead of the inefficent way of conduction to the outside casing. Yet you keep getting this wrong. This is the simplest most basic test you can run and understand, yet you don't get it right. How are we to expect anything else done to be correct?