Question throttle stop and BAT_mW logs?

Jul 14, 2023
hello guys im a total newbie , just started with throttle stop and in the logs under BAT_mW the numbers are in negative when on battery and it changes to postive when connected to AC.

please explain what is BAT_mW ?and is having negative no. bad?

2023-07-15 00:36:59 12.40 8.9 100.0 -16296 52 0.6575 2.2
2023-07-15 00:37:00 14.54 13.5 100.0 -16296 52 0.7050 3.0
2023-07-15 00:37:01 16.88 15.7 100.0 -16296 53 0.6625 3.6
2023-07-15 00:37:02 14.96 9.4 100.0 -16296 52 0.7024 2.4
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hello guys im a total newbie , just started with throttle stop and in the logs under BAT_mW the numbers are in negative when on battery and it changes to postive when connected to AC.

please explain what is BAT_mW ?and is having negative no. bad?

2023-07-15 00:36:59 12.40 8.9 100.0 -16296 52 0.6575 2.2
2023-07-15 00:37:00 14.54 13.5 100.0 -16296 52 0.7050 3.0
2023-07-15 00:37:01 16.88 15.7 100.0 -16296 53 0.6625 3.6
2023-07-15 00:37:02 14.96 9.4 100.0 -16296 52 0.7024 2.4
Battery milliwatts. The amount of energy being removed or added to the battery. Positive when charging while plugged in. Negative when running off battery.