Ti4200 vs FX5200 and up


Aug 14, 2003
I am going to build a new system and keep my old system intact. I currently have the Ti4200 128MB vid card. I don't want to spend the $ just yet to really upgrade it but I was looking at the FX5200, 5600, and 5700 Nvidia cards and I wondered how much better any of these are over my current card. I was unable to find any benchmarks where I could compare. ANy suggestions?

Only the FX5700+ would offer any appreciable difference other than madybe a prettier slideshow on the FX5200/5600s.

In any case, either get an FX5900XT/SE/LX/EPV/etc, or stick with your old card. Unless you liketo enable things like AA/AF, and then just get an R9600Pro or the FX5900XT/.....

Keep your GF4ti and save your money for something good from the next gen mid-range, that's our BEST move IMO.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
Ok thanks. Well I'll probably end buying a 5200 for my old system, or use it in the new system (until I buy a significatly better card) if it is essentially the same card.

Take the "slide show" comment seriously... the FX 5200 is not a Ti 4200...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/Mobile Barton 2600+
211x11.5 1.808v SLK900A
1GB Corsair XMS PC3200
Sapphire 9500np@9700np</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/Barton 2500+
200x11.5 1.76v
512MB XMS PC2700
XFX Ti4200
Ok, so then if I still wanted to use the Ti4200 in my new computer then what would be a decent card to buy for my old comp. Obviously it won't be my main computer but it will still run games that require some decent graphic support. I was thinking of the MSI FX5200-TD128 because I can get it for about $60.

Well you could go with the GF4 and an FX5200, just don't expect much from it.

Even a GF4ti + another GF4ti may be a better bet. But the FX5200 should give you slightly better 2D quality.

If you have to buy another card, then maybe enjoy the slight upgrade of an R9600 (not pro/ not SE) for just about the same price (seen it for $75). But you're kind of between a rock in a hard place, and no one here wants to recommend an FX5200 for just about anything. The GF4ti is a better card IMO, and the R9600 is the match of the GF4ti with one doing better than the other in different benchies.

Not an easy call nor an enviable position.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
Well crap. I hate to spend money on a card that is just a temporary anyway. Maybe I'll dig out my old GeForce2 and use that in old comp. <cringes>
