Correction for TigerDirect.
TigerDirect is a subsidiary of Systemax Inc. which is a direct marketer of brand name and private label products. The company operates its business into two segments: Technology Products and Industrial Products.
Systemax Ticker: SYX
MarketCap = $405.4m (based on $11.17 stock price).
Revenue = $3.54 billion
# of employees = * Too lazy to research *
TigerDirect is a subsidiary of Systemax Inc. which is a direct marketer of brand name and private label products. The company operates its business into two segments: Technology Products and Industrial Products.
Systemax Ticker: SYX
MarketCap = $405.4m (based on $11.17 stock price).
Revenue = $3.54 billion
# of employees = * Too lazy to research *