Thanks Dennis.
But understand my reason for posting publicly was to "share" my experience with others "googling" a possible similar experience with Inner Circle. Also, since I felt my honest and fair review, albeit somewhat negative, was torched, I wanted to voice my review on a related techie medium where it could be referenced by other would-be purchasers.
I understand your desire to take this "off-board" especially since my review was handled in a similar fashion..."hush-hush" so to speak. That's why I am here, because it was swept under the rug at TD product reviews.
Please realize that I did try and contact TD prior to this public review. In fact..twice. The first time was on Sunday. I spoke with Pedro at extension 5864 (or maybe 5869- can't read my own desk scribbles) and he had no answers for me. He said he would try and find out and I should call him back on Monday. I did call back on Monday at 1:57 where I got transferred to Rachel. Rachel did not know anything about the Inner Circle benefits so she transferred me to Madeline. Madeline said that I should be getting special offers with respect to inner circle via email. She later backtracked and said that I get the same offers, only I get them sooner. When I explained to Madeline, that I have several emails registered through TigerDirect, but only one of which is registered with the Inner Circle profile, so I am clearly able to see if I get "special offers" there before I get them at my other email accounts. I don't. So then we went round and round about Hotmail marking them as spam. I explained to Madeline that "No, I have Hotmail whitelisted for TigerDirect" so that is not an issue...but I don't think she knew what that meant. Plus that, but I get them at my Hotmail account, just not any sooner than I do at my other accounts. We went round and round about this but then Madeline finally admitted that she did not have Inner Circle herself, had never seen an Inner Circle email offer since she was not a member and was not sure really how often they went out. Madelline was very nice, and it was clear that she was trying to "fake it" the best she could, but it was equally clear that she didn't really know anything about inner circle except that I was getting free ground shipping. Ok, that part I get. I have no problems with that. But, as someone who is addicted to technology, makes purchases at least once a week, Checks the TD precisely at 11 pm central (the moment it's up) for the Daily Deal, I want to see more good deals. Hence, the reason I paid the $40 bucks. I don't want a bunch of hem-hawing around if a person does not know the answer. If this is something that is advertised but not delivered...if it's something that TD is still working on...if it's a mistake I am making, not looking in the right place...I want to know!
I hope that conveys my aggravation on the Inner Circle thing. I'm not looking for a credit. I'm not looking for anything for free. I don't want my money back for Inner Circle. I want the perks that was offered with Inner Circle.
Now as far as the whole reviews thing... That's the reason I chose to share my story on a forum that TD does not control and it's the reason that I would really rather not take this issue off the board, out of public eyes. I know how TD resolves issues it doesn't have an answer for..."Here's a gift card, now love us or leave us". If it's going to be resolved, it should be resolved for everybody, not just me. The program needs some fine-tuning.
P.S. The order number I provided was not an order where a problem occurred . I posted it in response to what appeared to be a TD rep demanding an order ID in order to take a post in this thread seriously. I knew you could find me in your computer by any order ID and verify for yourself that my comments are accurate, not fabricated.