[SOLVED] Tilde key only works if I hit Shift Help


Sep 6, 2017
Hi, I know the keyboard works(g 910 logitech) but suddenly my tilde key no longer works-it does if I hold Shift + tilde, but I cant access console commands in games now, because for w/e reason it wont work.

No viruses detected on my pc and I uninstalled razer synapses 3 and g hub thinking maybe they were to blame-no fix Help?
if it happens again, try a clean boot as it could have been a start up program conflicting with game

Try a clean boot and see if it changes anything - make sure to read instructions and make sure NOT to disable any microsoft services or windows won't load right - https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows

if clean boot fixes it, it shows its likely a startup program. You should, over a number of startups. restart the programs you stopped to isolate the one that is to blame.
I have to do that as well on all three of my keyboards, and so does my wife's. If you don't hold down Shift you won't get a ~ but you will see a #.

Quite normal.

Sorry, you dont get it. If I play 7 days to die, I cant access console menu because I need to use the tilde key.

If i play amulti player Factorio I cant chat because it's tilde key.

If I want to enter cheat codes on GTA 5, I cant because its tilde key to access.

If I restart my pc I can press it for about 5 seconds then it disables itself.

Here is shift plus tilde ~~~~~~~~ (~) Here is normal tilde(had to copy from google to do it) ( ` ) That is what doesnt work.

Sorry but nothing is normal about this for me. I get no imput at all when I hit the tilde key, I am gonna end up being forced to reformat the entire pc if this doesnt work
Ok I just formatted the pc

Tilde key ```````````````````````````````````````````````
Tilde + Shift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

All is working. I dont know what caused it, but if I figure it out Ill update. Thanks again for trying to offer help.
Then I'm too late to make another suggestion. It may not work but I can't test it here. Find the Character Map in the list of Windows add-ons or similar. Find the tilde and click to copy it. Open a Notebook page and Control V the copy and what you can see it, then name the file and close it.

Here's where I might be wrong but before you load your game and call up the file you made and Control C the tilde. When the game wants a tilde, try Control V and see if it acknowledges it.
if it happens again, try a clean boot as it could have been a start up program conflicting with game

Try a clean boot and see if it changes anything - make sure to read instructions and make sure NOT to disable any microsoft services or windows won't load right - https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows

if clean boot fixes it, it shows its likely a startup program. You should, over a number of startups. restart the programs you stopped to isolate the one that is to blame.