Question Time zone and local time zone questions


Apr 11, 2019
I need to set my default Windows 10 system timezone to my country local which I did, however I also need to see US New York timezone and its time in AM and PM and making everything (browser etc) display in US NY time and its timezone. Is that even makes any sense?

My current settings:

Language: English
Regional Settings: US
Date/Time: My country local time


Jan 27, 2021
I need to set my default Windows 10 system timezone to my country local which I did, however I also need to see US New York timezone and its time in AM and PM and making everything (browser etc) display in US NY time and its timezone. Is that even makes any sense?

My current settings:

Language: English
Regional Settings: US
Date/Time: My country local time
You can’t have multiple time zones on Windows to my knowledge. You have to change it manually if you need it to be different. However, with your browser, there might be a setting or add-on that allows you to switch it outside of changing Windows. Which browser do you use?

I’m not sure why you need the two different time zones, but you could create a virtual machine on your system that allows you to run a second install of Windows inside of the host system. The settings on the virtual machine are separate from the host system. You’d basically have two computers running on the same hardware.

Depending on your needs, you can also simply go to a website that shows different time zones. That’s definitely the easiest.


I seem to recall being able to set up multiple time zones via the clock and calendar settings? One of them will be your "permanent" local time zone and then the other can be set to various locations. I believe this required either a widget to be open or for you to select to see.
So far as I am aware your notification area needs to be local time and date. I recall in the past there being some malware and virus that used this as an exploit.