Tiny Screen In The Top Left Corner of Screen in Skyrim


Jan 15, 2017
I've tried editing the skyrim pref files, enb files, skyrim launcher, using one tweak, editing the skyrim pref in mod organizer, but to no avail at all. As the title states there is tiny screen in the top left corner of the screen and I'm 5 secs from giving up on skyrim which really saddens me because my new RX 480 really wants to play skyrim. I know I talked to it. //not gpu relate btw it worked fine a little while ago.

Ah, OK, start again with a clean setup of the game. Uninstall it so whatever mods and changed you did are gone, start again. If you installed several mods and were changing settings in files, you likely can't get it all back to basic setup without uninstalling and re-installing the game.

Yeah it runs in a tiny window in the top left of the screen and everything else is just black. I'll put a pic on when i get home on my phone rn.


The rx 480 is fine as i played a good bit of skyrim after it was installed. I went modcrazy and now the screen is tiny af.

Ah, OK, start again with a clean setup of the game. Uninstall it so whatever mods and changed you did are gone, start again. If you installed several mods and were changing settings in files, you likely can't get it all back to basic setup without uninstalling and re-installing the game.

Ur probs right, but i already have 600-700 hours between playing on my 360 for a year straight and replaying it on pc multiple times it's time to play other games. I hope beyonetta is cool thanks for the help m8