Titan X only shows 4 GB of Dedicated VRAM


Jun 19, 2015
So I've been going over my system, just got it today, here are the specs:

i7-5820 Processor
16 GB of Corsair LPX 2800 Mhz Ram
EVGA Titan X Hybrid

I've run into a slight dilemma that has me worried. I've been checking everything, downloading, etc, when I decide to check the graphics card. As I'm sure you all know, the Titan X is supposed to come with 12 GB of VRAM. This is all in a previous post actually: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2599898/titan.html

My question is, does my Titan X really only have 4 or 8 GB of VRAM, or is that just what windows can see? I don't want to be tricked out of VRAM.
Also, if it does have all 12 GB, does window's mistake only allow for 4GB to function? Thanks in advance to whoever responds!

It might seem overkill now, but you won't regret it in the future. My PC is severely crippled with 4GB of RAM, I have to close down everything just to run a game smoothly nowadays. I'm sure everything will become more RAM hungry in the near future.

Woody I know the pain of 4GB of RAM. Actually, I've upgraded from a home office computer, 4GB of RAM, integrated graphics, i5-2320, air cooling, etc. It's like I've evolved from the stone age to the end all be all of technology really.
Unfortunately, looking into my system, I've realized how much of a pain this is. I have to completely take out both my Titan X and it's liquid cooler in order to put the 16 GB of extra RAM in. And the RAM I have is so wide, I don't actually know if more will even fit...
SmurfLord! Don't upgrade your RAM yet. I just spoke to Nvidia customer support on the phone. They acknowledged that during the Titan X release their documentation stating that 24 GB of system RAM is required for full VRAM utilization was wrong. They state that only 8 GB (minimum requirement) is required. I honestly don't know what the truth is but I strongly suggest that you call them to verify for yourself. They are open 24 hours and both department option go to the same place.

Nvidia (800) 797 6530 option 1 (customer care) / option 2 (tech support)
I wish you had answered InfamousMango's earlier question "What application are you using to view your VRam?" because I could have passed your technical issue directly to Nvidia. Since I wasn't sure how you concluded your VRAM wasn't being fully recognized, you can call them directly. It only took me two minutes to get through to them:

Nvidia (800) 797 6530 option 1 (customer care) / option 2 (tech support)