Titan Z uses 2000 watts?


May 4, 2014
During the GTC conference, the CEO of Nvidia stated that the Titan Z would retail for $2,999 and would use a massive 2000 watts? THATS IS F***KING RIDICULOUS. Who has a 2000 watt power supply?
Is this possible? I would like to put my mind at ease, as i am considering a purchase. A PCIe Slot was damaged on my motherboard while assembling my PC so I don't have enough physical space for an SLI rig.
You could've bought two 780TI and a motherboard for less than $2000 that titanZ asks for. If you need it for compute/FP performance, then titan Z would make sense.
There no chance in hell it will take 2000 watts, it probably be around 600W max.
There is no way it would require 2k watts of power, could you imagine how many pci-e 8pin connectors the card would need if Nvidia stuck to pci-e power specs? And even if they pulled an AMD and went over the pci-e power spec you would still need an absurd amount of pci-e 8pin connectors to power it.

If you Google it, the story actually does exist. Must have been a "slip of the tongue" thou. Shouldn't be much more than two 8-pins plus the board, realistically... (150+150+75). Besides how would the cooler dump the heat? Take a look at a 1500 watt space heater in Walmart sometime. Good luck having that in a PC case, lol.
But really who cares. Even thou "Maxwell" is pushed back a bit. All current GPU's(28nm) are basically at EoL(end of life). At this point in time(2014), I wouldn't be spending a dime on a GPU.

i did watch the video for that key note where Huang introduce Titan Z but i don't remember something like that.

Skip to about 3:05


if you read the slides around the 3:05 mark, it says 3 x titan Z @ 2000W, so each would pull around 660W.

Pfffftttt...... Reading.

You made an account to inform us the internet contains BS, lol...
Dude it was just my rather poorly written response, no need to fly into a rage :kaola:

If you "google it", there is news about it(press releases). And wow, even the source video with NVIDIA co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang. And a related article at Tom's:
A few high end GPU's can match the power of the old Google Brain(16 000 cores) and at a savings of 100 times less energy. Global warming is a huge concern, especially up North. Santa would approve!

No, Huang was just saying 3 Titan Z's can match the computational power of the "Google Brain"(basically an old super computer) and only need a measly 2000 watts.
versus the huge amount of electricity required by the 16,000 cores of the old Google Brain.

But all everyone heard was, Titan Z... 2000 watts...