Titanfall Beta Currently Under Certification and Will Be Closed

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Wonder how many hackers will be on the PC version!!!!
is that supposed to be some attempt at saying that every multiplayer pc game has hackers? because its a bad attempt (how many people use hacked controllers on the xbawx? (besides if a multiplayer pvp game has hackers then the publisher/devs are doing something very wrong)
they dont fool me, EA is no good for the industry. They lie to make money, im not endorsing that and of course will let everyone know. Shouldnt we hit em with a class action by now?
it looks like the next titan fall if it will exist, the devs will try to avoid ea. so im routing for the second one. i dont like to hate ea but they ceep making it so damn easy.
Wonder how many hackers will be on the PC version!!!!
is that supposed to be some attempt at saying that every multiplayer pc game has hackers? because its a bad attempt (how many people use hacked controllers on the xbawx? (besides if a multiplayer pvp game has hackers then the publisher/devs are doing something very wrong)
He must not be familiar with Steam VAC.

I guess you haven't played any COD series on the PC then!!!
I pre-ordered the PC version.I don't have any philosophical issues with EA, or any publisher. If the game is good, I'll support it by buying it and recommending to folks. If it's Duke NukeEm or Aliens:Colonial Marines, then I don't buy or uninstall and lambast loudly.
I could not care less about this game.
That sounds like a double-negative...so you actually DO care about this game.
It's not a double negative. The word "double" means to have 2 of something that are the same or equal. Not and Less are not the same or equal.
Realibrad is correct, as was Southernshark's grammatically correct comment. A double-negative would be if Southernshark said, "I couldn't not care less."On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being "no interest" and 10 being "complete interest", Southernshark can not go any lower than zero interest, thus, "He can not care less (than zero)."
I'm just happy that someone (Southernshark) used the phrase properly. Many people incorrectly say "They could care less" when they really mean "They could not care less."

(And to be completely fair, Realibrad's last comment should've been "...the same nor equal." since it does in fact reference a negative comparison. (Either/and/or) and (Neither/not/nor).

We're all just having fun here, right??? 🙂
Evolution, were you educated outside of the states? You put the comma outside of the quotation mark but the period inside. You are using mixed rules, as the comma was placed logically but the period conventionally.
While I have spent time in other countries, it wasn't with the intent of improving my English language skills. That being said, there are plenty of grammatical errors in my reply as well, but I couldn't go back and correct them once I had submitted it via the 'quick & dirty' main page comment section.

I used to be a real grammar nazi, but now I just take it all with a grain of salt and a laugh. Picking apart people's grammar is easy, but also somewhat uneccessary in the grand scheme of things since we're all here for tech information and not to be graded on our language skills. Additionally, since it's not always easy to know if someone writing a post was raised with English as their first language, I am now much more relaxed & tolerant.

Maybe someone will figure out, if it hasn't been done already, how to create an "auto-correct" plugin that uses the data from this site while writing online. :)

"And now back to our regularly scheduled programming..." :)
ahh yes. EA publisher check. closed beta start less than month before release check. Train wreck on its way, confirmed.sad really, titan fall looked like an interesting concept about a year ago.
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