Question TMP on ASUS B150-PRO Gaming D3 ATX Intel M.board


Feb 20, 2017
I found a workaround to get Window 11 to install with only TPM 1.2 (Straight install of Win 11 requires TMP 2.0.)
I can't seem to find out what is on board for my ASUS B150-PRO Gaming D3 ATX Intel M.board. ASUS won't give me any info without the serial number of the board. Unfortunately, the serial number must be on the back of the board, nowhere to be found on the front, and the back is mostly hidden by the tower's framework. I'm not taking the whole thing apart only to find out that TPM is missing altogether.
The link below is to a photo of the TPM designated space on the M.board. there are no pins but, rather, soldered spots where the pins would be. Does that mean (a) the TPM is soldered to the other side or (b) there is no TPM and no pins to add one (= I'm screwed)?

Usually serial number will be somewhere on the sticker on the front of the board.
Have not seen a board with such header on the back side, in fact it would probably be impossible to place it there. While the mobo manual just states that header is in the place your picture shows clearly it is not there on your board. Interesting. Maybe they have manufactured some boards series without it and that is why they asking for serial number.
I think you are screwed though 🙁