Question To repair the old Series X or buy new Series X ?

I do live in Ireland and how about you?
Where you do live?
What you do mean by that?
What you do mean?
We can't give you an answer if we don't know how expensive it is going to be to repair the console compared to how much a new one will cost.
If you want to you can give us the symptoms of the broken console and people will give you their opinion on what might be broken and how much it will cost to fix it.
Although that also depends on the technician and how much they overcharge...
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The old hdmi port are not working on the normal Xbox Series X Console on the regular one on the 1tb and it does needs to get repleced on the new hdmi port but it is are preordered and purchased from the England which are Uk and it will take 2 or 3 weeks to wait when this will happen and go ahead on the few days or weeks on the while on the long time of period. If nothing are burned out inside of the Series X Console it will get fixed. But if the something did get burned inside parts wise it cant to get fixed then and I will need to buy or purchase the new Xbox Series X Console on the Series X on the Xbox.
I cant wait when the old Xbox Series X will get repaired or I can buy the new Series X straight away and what it is are going to be. That are only the option and the way I do have and got for now. That is the best what I can do. That is are all what I can do.