I mean. Isn't that why most big GPUs ship with brackets nowadays? If people don't install them, I have little compassion for them. If they got the system prebuilt, the seller needs to be held accountable and there should be laws in place to ensure people can get compensation or replacement for it; that should be covered in warranty afaik.
Dude, you would be surprised. Just a month ago people on Discord told me they bought a gaming laptop because the prospect of just opening and cleaning a PC daunts them (don't ask why they think a laptop doesn't need internal maintenance...), and they were outright horrified by the idea of changing RAM, or, you know. Installing a GPU. When I showed them pictures of me changing my CPU cooler to a larger, better model they were fascinated and awed. That's how normal PC users are, and no, not all of them use laptops. I wasn't that much different when I got my first (prebuilt) gaming PC ever. Which was a desktop. And the website still exists now, almost 20 years later, and other companies in my country offer assembly as an additional service for systems no matter the price, so you are dead wrong in assuming that people are educating themselves about this stuff. I listen to my boyfriend's curses about idiot customers who can barely plug their HDMI cable in the right port every day. He works customer support for exactly one of those companies with that service, and believe me, they earn their own weight in gold. Stay wishfully ignorant about the idiocy of people if you want; sadly, it doesn't change the raw reality of the situation.