Tom's Education Make Up

I've been on Tom's a lot more often of late and it seems to me that there is a fine mix of young and a bit older that makes up the community. With that said, I'm curious as to what kind of education the members have, i.e. a lot of college students with computer science majors or just a lot of general enthusiasts with differing backgrounds, educationally speaking of course.

I guess I’ll begin. My education has absolutely nothing to do with computers, engineering, or technology. Rather, I have an MPA (Masters in Public Administration).

Anyone else?
Speaking of the 'bit' older, I own an undergraduate degree in education. Wife is a doctor. Have owned multiple small businesses including small corporations for the past 25 years including a family practice in Orange Co. CA. I'm fifty-four and look seventy-four. Proud of my 22 year old daughter. She began her Master's degree coursework in Psychology this semester.

Wow. I graduated from high school in 1973 at the age of 17. If I remember correctly, it all happened on Mars. :lol:

PS. I have atteneded my 10, 20 and 30 year reunions! 40 year reunion is 2013. If I'm not dead, I'm going. :ouch:

It's funny, when you go to one of these things you wonder if you are in the right room. Everyone is so old and you don't recognize anyone!
Ah the joys of college and paying for it, eh badge? lol. VT is a great school, especially for a CS program- the best of the luck getting in and doing well.

I'm only 24, so I haven't been to any HS reunions yet. It should be interesting to go to the 10 year one though. I'm contemplating going back and getting a Ph.D., as I seem to miss school and the job market is complete crap right now. Figure I might as well do something I want to do instead of something I hate.
I think you have noble aspirations which is a quality we could all use and have a little more of. Myself, I hope to expand my studies in the field of Graffiti creativity and installation. Really, I want my Psy.D., but it's not going to happen. I'll just have to rememeber what could have been with my time spent with Sally Jesse Raphael. One evening as part of a taping of her show could have led to bigger things had she not been married to 'him'.

While sitting around at my 30 year reunion, an old neighborhood friend came over with a lady and sat down at the table. She immediately said, 'Hey, remember me!?" "Remember all the things we used to do!" I said, "uhh, no?" She said,"'come one how could you forget!" Anyway this went on back and fourth like this as I turned greater shades of red. I mean, think about...did something really happen!!! Ya' know! My old buddy was pulling a joke one me. He put her up to it! He had me fooled and I was worried something really did happen there for a while. It's fun to meet the people you went to high school with when everyone is old and look nothing like the way you remember them.

Edited for Writer's embellishments.
I'm a high school senior as well. I'm planning on going to UW Madison or to University of Minnesota for a CS or Software Engineering degree.
I graduated with my BA in criminal justice in 2005. I did vo-tech training in A+ and Novell networking. I did 2 years in college of programming in COBOL, visual basic, and CIS core classes. I now work in a bank IT department. I also have my own small side business in PC repair and custom building.
wow i am out classed by all of you. i droped out of school at the age of 17. smoked to many drugs untill i was 30 now i am 34 i own two house have one kid and another on the was, i am the manger of a large auto repair shop but am not a mechainc. just makes me wonder were i could have been if i did not waste 10 years of my like smoking drugs.

And I'm 31, got a degree in Multimedia Development, smoked no drugs but I'm stuck in a dead-end job renting a shithole of a house, let alone OWNING two of them.

Somehow I don't think you've been outclassed - you have yourself sorted now, that's what counts dude!

No masters, just mechanical design BS. Interpret that the way you like, it works both ways :)
Junior in High School here. Planning to go to Airforce, if not, probably go to business end at University of Utah

After all this, I may return to my homenation, Belarus, for all I know...
What a mix already! I'll add to that: Arts in college, then on to a B. S. in mechanical engineering in 1980.
Wow Jack, that is luck right there. I have a B.A. in history (American history) as well and really, it seems like the late 60's to the mid 70's seems like a very interesting time to come of age in the U.S. My father, who graduated HS in 1968 fell literally 10 numbers short of being drafted. That would have scared the crap out of me, much less knowing that at anytime one could be drafted.

Then again, I my grandfather was a military man (Air Force) and served in Korea, amongst many other duties throughout his career. But he always told me that he would chain me to anything to keep me from joining up. So who knows.
I'm a 22 HS graduate with no college education. I took a few vocational courses in highschoole but mostly selftaught. Earned my A+ and now work in the IT department (Helpdesk) at the hospital where I was born. It has been voted Most Wired Hospital in the country two years running now. =)

I do plan to go back to school and earn my BS in CS (IU Bloomington) so I can be more versatile and make more money.
it seems like the late 60's to the mid 70's seems like a very interesting time to come of age in the U.S.
The cold war. The US taking on the spread of Communism (Russia and China). Witness Korea and Vietnam. All of Asia including Japan would ne communist if not for our troops presence at the 38th parrellel for the past 50+ years. My grade school had a shelter in the basement in case of nuclear attack.

My father, who graduated HS in 1968 fell literally 10 numbers short of being drafted. That would have scared the crap out of me, much less knowing that at anytime one could be drafted.

My birthdate was drawn during the draft lottery when I was 17. Had I been 18 and out of school, I would have been drafted. I remember registering for the draft when I turned 16.

Then again, I my grandfather was a military man (Air Force) and served in Korea, amongst many other duties throughout his career. But he always told me that he would chain me to anything to keep me from joining up. So who knows.

My Dad served one year on the ground at the 38th parrellel in combat in Korea. He was a Marine marksman who's job was to make contact with and probe the enemy. He was wounded twice and received the Purple Heart and Distinguished Service Medals. His Company wanted to put him up for the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism in Korea. Of the 100 men of his original company that landed on the beaches of Korea and dug in, He was one of five that came home. He was with the First Marine Division, First Battalion. First Batallion is one of the most famous, heralded fighting forces in US history. At 18, when I graduated from High School I asked him if I should join up. He explained he had such a hard time, I could find other careers to pursue. My dad raised me. To describe my dad in a sentence, "a cross between Fred Flintstone and John Wayne." He taught me so many things about life. He was great. My life changed forever when He passed.

In case of nuclear attack, you can find shelter here in my grade school's basement. The foundation is made of stone and was built by capable German builders in 1920. When the initial explosion causes the the very air molecules you breathe to explode in a chain reaction, you will be safe. :lol:

^ and now all we can defend against is the twinky attack... Wanted to say nice story Badge, 95% loss? Your dad is a lucky guy.

Might as well be 30yo male here. Got my BS degree from the CSU system in Business administration. Went the dual option route, focused in Accounting and MIS. Was going to be Accounting and Finance, but I met the worlds worst instructor my first semester and switched to MIS.

Aiming at a CS major

Wait, you can MAJOR in Counter Strike?!?!?!? LOL

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