Wow Toms hardware is starting to loose it with me first they tell people to run Avast, yes it is an ok Av but from what i see everyday Microsoft Security Essentials is better, and less annoying. no they are saying it is ok to down load almost any of these programs, if you brought your computer in to my shop and i say these programs on there i would advise you to remove them. just for fun create a restore point then install sumo tell it not to install any other software then look in add remove programs i bet the other programs will be installed and will have hijacked you browser. now roll your system back with system restore. I tell People everyday that in most cases if a programs ask you to install a 3rd party software like a toolbar it isn't worth putting on your system. Tom you are the last place for computer news that actually covers computers. please stop pushing this crap software, you are only making my job harder and i will have to stop directing customer to do research here about hardware and software!