I only want to know if they plan on matching gsync (if so how long before you expect to introduce it) or licensing, and if lic are you already in talks?

Mantle, TrueAudio, Physx etc mean nothing to me as both sides must pay to get a dev to use them, so only going to be in a few titles tops for headlines each year by either side. Gsync will work great dev or not as they don't have to do anything or pay anything for it to work (hardware is needed, not game devs work or expense). The tearing/stutter side I mean, how long it takes devs to use up your extra gpu power that it gives them (freedom to use it anyway, no 60fps crap cap etc) is debatable. But Gsync has to be matched or licensed or I'm going NV. Drivers can't fix it all, they need hardware which is why NV created a $100 card to get it done.
Now that I know I can end stutter/tearing for good (not on a game by game basis, not by screwing with settings, not by turning things down, not by developer work or expense) etc I won't go any other way. Adapt, license it or die AMD. Monitor companies should note the same. Nobody in my family will buy a non gsync monitor in the future (3 households) and as an IT person I'll tell everyone that asks the same. If AMD gets this before I buy a maxwell the discussion inside my brain opens up again. But if not, it's over, no thought will go past do you have stutter/tear free or not? Any long term gamer has battled this for years (25+ for me...ROFL). You're dead to me if you can't check that box now...LOL.
That's not hating on AMD or anything, just common sense gamer choices. If asked AMD or NV, I'll respond with "would you like to end stutter/tearing NOW and possibly get better games eventually or not?". If they answer yes end stutter/tearing I say NV, hands down until they catch up or license it. Both price pretty much what the perf of the cards are (or extra features in the case of titan DP) so it's pretty much a stutter/tearing factor for me now.