So off the topic, just a tiny bit, but has anyone done painting on an Antec 300, 900, or 1200 of any version? I'm thinking of taking apart the computer and doing some paint work on the bezels, etc, since I'm about to upgrade to BD (when it releases) why not give the case some new life.
Anyways, I've got the gist down. Cleaning the case first with some degreaser, then sanding, primer, then the actual paint (or at least I think I do).
But I don't know what to use for what.
What sand grit to use, what primer to use, and which paint to use. Help! (Oh it'd also help if you went more in depth)
Anyways, I've got the gist down. Cleaning the case first with some degreaser, then sanding, primer, then the actual paint (or at least I think I do).
But I don't know what to use for what.
What sand grit to use, what primer to use, and which paint to use. Help! (Oh it'd also help if you went more in depth)