Currently all its running is the bios. 😛Am I right to think it runs Linux?
Ryzen build done today for a client in a system I had already done a build in about five years ago using the same case. Not a gaming machine so no big graphics card. This system is used exclusively in a private investigators office, but it's a nice rig for his purposes and I'm sure will last another five years or more. Probably get repurposed in five years just like the hardware I took out of this machine today, an E3 Xeon, is going to be.
No fancy lights. No RGB. No water cooling. No big graphics cards or CPU coolers. Just simple and clean with lots of room for storage devices. Which he definitely needs in his line of work.
I don't know why anybody WOULDN'T. For thirty bucks you get about 200mhz faster consistent boost operation. At least with adequate cooling.
People spend a LOT more than that on cooling to gain only an 200mhz from their overclock. High end fans, liquid cooling, expensive cases, etc. Or they spend WAY more than that for high speed or very low latency memory, that doesn't even give them as much of a performance bump as an extra 200mhz clock speed boost on the CPU offers.
I always laugh when I see people buy cheaper CPUs with the intention of overclocking them, and then spend a lot on cooling, just to get it somewhere around the CPU they didn't buy because they figured they'd save money by overclocking.
Let's see.
CPU + Cooler / Overclocked close to the CPU they didn't buy.
Compared to
CPU they didn't buy + Cooler / Overclocked or not.
Conclusion. Money saved. They were right.
Sorry but no cheap cooler or stock cooler in my world. I would use the same cooler for both CPU. So in that case. It's not cheaper. Stock cooler are crap and cheaper cooler that are a tiny bit better than stock cooler are as pointless. When I recommend a system on tomshardware that's with a good cooler in the first place.
Let's see.
CPU + Cooler / Overclocked close to the CPU they didn't buy.
Compared to
CPU they didn't buy + Cooler / Overclocked or not.
Conclusion. Money saved. They were right. Even if it's 30 bux.
I always laugh when I see people buy cheaper CPUs with the intention of overclocking them, and then spend a lot on cooling, just to get it somewhere around the CPU they didn't buy because they figured they'd save money by overclocking.